DFI AD77 Motherboard For Sale !!!

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I have a used DFI AD77 Motherboard with me that i wish to dispose off.

It is based on VIA KT400 chipset,Supports SocketA [462] CPUs.Also supports Sempron with BIOS update.has AGP8X,NO ONboard VGA,6 Channel onboard sound.
Full ATX....

Contents that you will get-
1 x Driver CD
2 x ATA Cables
1 x FDD cable
1 x USB Dongle
NO FACE Plate is available.

I will sell it for 2000/- only.
This price is exclusive of shipping.

Pune buyers can collect directly with me.
I havent tried overclocking it.
It supports Barton CPUs with 333 MHz FSB.
It does not have support for 400 MHz FSB CPUs.
Darklord said:
I havent tried overclocking it.
It supports Barton CPUs with 333 MHz FSB.
It does not have support for 400 MHz FSB CPUs.
Well if its got a good bios,the KT400 boards could be run on 400mhz fsb.
For @Darky,though its not my business,but I think u should lower the price of the board a little considering the price of KM400 boards(similar to this one+onboard vga) in the market.
KT400 is better chipset compared to KM400. KM400 is pure pain. By the way i had AD77. It overclocks really well. Yeah initial bios had problems with overclocking but later bios fixed it to make it a deascent overclocker.
The Max supported FSB on the board is 250Mhz. and max VDIMM was 2.98v, CPU voltage was 2.0v if i remember it correctly.
I had this board till november last year.
By the way it does support 400Mhz FSB CPUs but its your luck, it may or may not be stable with barton 400Mhz FSB CPUs. Luckily my 3200+ ran just fine.
hey darky, do u have any cheap processor to go with it. im willing to pay about Rs3500 for the bundle if u can offer a processor.
Well Raghu,
I can buy a new Sempron 2200+ for you and ship it to you along with the board.
The bundle will cost around 4k .
Let me know what you think.
not the semprons darky, actually i am looking for the old athlon xp's - maybe the 1700+ or 1800+. i need a cheap system for my project. will pm u abt the mobo soon.
The sempron IS the Athlon-XP.YES,ITS EXACTLY THE SAME CPU WITH A CHANGED NAME STRING.And like later AXPs it is multiplier-locked.
Infact all Socket-A semprons are believed to be remarked AXPs to clear AMD'S inventory of Socket-A chips and to compete against the Celeron-D.
Socket A Semprons aren't remarked AXP, they have a different core logic, a sempron run at lower clock frequencies than the equivalent AXP
Higher FSB makes up for the lower clock. A AXP 2400+ runs at 2000MHz... Sempron 2400+ runs at 1666 MHz or so..
i don't think, you can compare 2000xp with 2400+ sempron, 'cause a sempron does more work per cycle than equivalent axp
but u have to take the FSB into consideration too.. XP runs at 266FSB and Sempron at 333. We all know that for the same clock speed, the one with higher FSB performs a tad better. I dont know if the sempron 2400+ deserves its model number, but its got to be close to AXP 2400+ in performance atleast. someone else cud throw more light on this.
That's bcoz the real speed or the actual work done by the CPU per second is product of number of cycles per sec * amt of work done by the CPU per cycle.
Now to increase the actual work done by CPU, you could increase number of cycles per sec which is the speed of your Proccy is running in Mhz or Ghz or you could increase amt of work done by CPU per cycle.The FSB you're talkin about mainly affect number of cycles and latencies, that's why for same clock speed one with higher FSB is better......So a 2 GHz proccy which do less work per cycle has actual speed comparable to 1.6 GHz proccy which do more work per cycle.
Semprons are just thoroughbred-b athlon xp chips running on a 333MHz bus rather than a 266 MHz bus. Though they are not exactly the same, the pipelining and IPC are exactly the same. Don't try and compare the speeds of a sempron to an athlon xp. An athlon xp 2400+ is comparable to a northwood B 2.4GHz. The sempron 2400+ is comparable to a celeron 2.4GHz. Big big difference!
Seriously....wasnt comparing the semprons 2400+ to 2400+xp's.
am saying the sempron 2400+ is a tad better than 2000+ xp cuz of the fsb speed tht's it.
so comparison btwen tht too wud be fine....
ya that would be about right for the comparison.
the socketA semprons are based on the same die as the athlonxp tho. the socket 754 semprons are however a different matter and are really worth their money.
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