Monitors Do 24" Lcd's require a Gfx card for day to day usage?

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Spy king


Thinking of getting a Del s2409w for my rig.. A bit tight on the cash front, so would like to get the panel first and then when I save up a bit get a 4670 or similar budget card..

My question is, Will my current onboard gfx support the monitor at 1080P? will I be able to do day to day tasks and watch a few HD movies on it through VGA from the onboard?
Or should I wait till I can get both the Gfx and panel in one go?

Thanks! :)

System specs

GA G31M S2l
1gb transcend 800mhz ram
i am running my 24 incher on G31... however not as sharp as ATI 4870... nor as fluid works!! but Gpu is far better..
Sure, it's useable. But no high-res gaming, no hd movies.

I ran my 22"er on a matrox mga g200 IGP for a month!
yeah! I'll be adding a gfx card in 1-2 months..

and no HD movies? :( even my old P4 system could play HD movies on my Crt monitor.. (all 17 inchs of it :P) The decoding work will be done by the processor right? If I don't have a gfx card.. so shouldn't it work?

If no HD movies means I'll save up and get both panel and gfx at the same time...

I run a 3008WFP on a M3A78-EM (onboard graphics) and it's practically identical to the display of my 4870x2 (not quite, but close enough) - it is also sufficient to play some old games (DeusEx et al) at 1920x resolutions. I've been running on AMD onboard graphics as they offer dual-link DVI to be able to hit the native resolution on the monitor without adding a graphics card. Power consumption matters for download rigs...
I am running 1080P 720P HD videos without any problem on a system having Gigabyte G31 IGP, E5300@3.8Ghz, 4GB Ram, BenQ G2420HD. Even without OC no problem in HD videos.
HD movies will run fine.. You might face a problem here and there with some 1080p movies, but 720p should run okay on the inbuilt gfx.
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