Mac OS Do not use Distros


I have found that many people seem to be using distros to install snow leopard on their system. There are number of disadvantages or rather a retail install has a lot of advantages :-

1. It is best to have as much vanilla install as possible. This way there is lesser chance that future updates may hose your installation.
2. Retail method is far more flexible and gives you a lot of control over your system. If you have compatible hardware and the patience, you could have a fully untouched retail install with just one non-vanilla kext ( fakesmc) in /Extra/Extensions.
3. With the availability of excellent tools like myhack, multibeast, iboot and empireefi, a retail install is as easy, if not easier, than a distro.
4. Retail install is possible even on AMD systems (you will to use a different kernel). I am currently running snow leopard on AMD phenom II B55 on MSI 890-GXM - G65. This motherboard was introduced just six months ago and works reasonably well.
5. Triple booting is also not an issue I recently learnt that with GRUB 2 you can triple boot Snow Leopard, Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04 with minimal effort on a MBR partitoned disk . Most distros just install Chameleon which as far as I know cannot boot linux.

I hope people take the time and effort and try to do a retail install.