Dominated my PC

VOiLA said:
WoW !!!! 2 Fast 2 Furious :p Congo Udu.
cranky said:
That ain't gonna fit under the Noctua, not any better than the Gskills. Congrats though :)
Desecrator said:
^Was just about to point that out! D14 has that limitation. :p

Congrats Udit.
Black_Hawk said:
Congrats!! :)
deep_nx said:
An additional upgrade to an already UPDATED PC :p

desiibond said:
congrats on your purchase :)
xperts said:
Great purchase bro!! Congratulations...:)
thank you all :)
Awesome Sticks !! :)

congratulations udit sir !! they shall serve you very well :)

mine have been awesome !! :)

Those babies scale really well.. ver 2.2 = elpida yumminess :D

Congratulations again bro !!