Dual or Triple Sim Android Phone: Cheap or Cheapest from India, China, HK, US, UK ?

Dual or Triple Sim Android Phone: Cheap or Cheapest from India, China, HK, US, UK ?

My primary use is an iPhone 4 and might go to the iPhone 5/6 when this phone cant handle what I need from it.

I need a second phone to hold SIM Cards of various other Continents/ Countries when I am traveling or in India. So, this will be purely a backup phone but also to check on calls/ missed calls on the other numbers.

Please do let me know your thoughts, experiences and insight on which phones would be good here?

Is there a better place to ask advise for this?

PS: I can get them from India, China, HK, UK, UK or pretty much any location I myself or my connections are traveling.. Currently I am in India and I have 1/2 contacts flying down from China/ HK/ US.