Easy to Unlock Phones bought from USA?

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hey guys i justw anted to know if it was easy to unlock a USA based phone

actually i was thinking of getting blackberry torch from AT&T with 2 years contract

anyway u think i can save my money on the subscription and get the phone to india and use it for my airtel or voda connection and also can a GSM be unlocked and used with CDMA connection?

GSM and CDMA connections are different. GSM phones use sim cards while CDMA doesn't. So they are two different technologies. So BB Torch that you get with ATT will not work with CDMA connection.

There are phones that exist in market that utilizes both GSM/CDMA. If interested they are - Droid 2 Global, Photon 4g and BB models from verizon/sprint unless specified otherwise.

Also are you in US? Because if you are in India you cannot sign for a two year contract. If you have friends or family there who would be doing it, then i would not recommend unless you need service. The ETF charges for early termination of contract is 375 - 10/month. So you can get torch cheaper outside.

Unlocking phones are not complicated and often easy unless it is an iPhone.
oh so dude help me here i just want good cheap phones which are unlocked or otherwise for my bro

he wants a blackberry and i have promised him for his bday and its a month away so i need to work fast

what should i do and where can i find cheapest phones on US sites?
ebay is your best option, as the reputed sites sell unlocked phones at comparatively same rates like india.. except when they have some deal.

sites like newegg have few phones.

cowboom is a new site by bestbuy for refurbished phones, good rates.
It is easy to unlock the phone, there are plenty of providers who do it in India. Or if you are knowledgeable, you can get the unlock code and do it yourself. I got a BB last month from US, paid 2$ for unlock code and unlocked it myself. I am using the same and very happy with it.
sorry to hijack the thread, but how easy is it to unlock Samsung focus on AT&T..? I can see lots of deals on ebay with samsung focus going for between $150 and $200. Thinking of buying one myself..
neomustdie said:
sorry to hijack the thread, but how easy is it to unlock Samsung focus on AT&T..? I can see lots of deals on ebay with samsung focus going for between $150 and $200. Thinking of buying one myself..
agantuk said:
^ Very easy. Get a locked one, and you can unlock it for at most $3

US$ 0.99 only

^ Yea, that's why I mentioned 'at most' :P I was getting it from the seller who had worked fine for me, and he charges $3
so let me ask u guys that i buy a mobile with a connection from AT&T etc and then unlock or can i just get a new conection and then somehow desable the plan and unlock?
if u disable the plan, you pay the contract breaking charges - 325$

and if you buy a heavily subsidized phone from like amazon wireless - motorola atrix for 50$ with 2 year contract - you would pay 250 to amazon if u break contract within first 6 months + 325 to ATT for brekaing 2 year contract (knock off 10$ from 325 for every month of bill you pay to ATT)
paraskhosla said:
oh also guys i wanted to know that if i buy a CDMA phone from there would it be good with Tata Indicom?

Any CDMA phone you buy from US,will come without a sim slot.

Although you can try and make it work for Reliance by paying a small amount,but for TATA Indicom,procedure is totally different and much costlier than Reliance.

Also note that while Any phone can work for Reliance,not all phone will work with TATA.
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