Electric Chimney - significance of light position

i am planning to purchase an electric chimney - one of the salesman mentioned that if the light is positioned at the back of the chimney it is more useful and also that the smoke generally tends to be in the front and therefore the light should be in the back. Is this advice correct? should i look for models with light at the back?
salesmen are born to sell stuff... they won't suggest anything useful that could hamper their sales.

get two torches and see for yourself which position suits your cooking style. please bear in mind that the kitchen smoke is not "blinding"... we are not using a wood stove here. anyways, light shining through smoke doesn't create a nice scene either :)

my chimney has "very" bright halogen lights at the very end. they point light directly downwards... it's kind of a wall washer then a cooking light. i've never used it.