EMU 0202 USB and Sennheiser HD 595


Had bought the EMU a long time back, but didn't really post the pictures then :p but bought the HD 595 yesterday and thought of posting them together.
Here they are :

Cost - 65, and 85 quid for the EMU and the sennheiser respectively.
Wows!!! :O

Congrats; Audio Nirvana!!! :D

BTW does the 595 require an amp??? Or is it only reqd for the 650?? Total n00b here; :ashamed:
^^ Actually all headphones need an amp ! (With the exception of most earphones). The difference is how much better a headphone will sound with an amp. The HD595 will sound better with an amp, but not by much.

A HD650 on the other hand will sound like an ordinary headphone without an amp and an amp makes a huge difference to the sound.

Oh yes and congrats on your purchase !!!
@udit , quid = pound.

Thanks everyone.

@ gannu, 595 are low impedance (50 ohm) - have a higher sensitivity than other phones, and can be easily driven with a low powered headphone amplifier, while on the other hand, 580/600/650 are 300 ohm and require a lot of power to be fed in to sound good, and essentially require an amplifier to drive them.

I had the 580s before, but I was not a big fan of the laid back sound stage, and hence opted for something livelier and easier to drive this time, without having to invest in an expensive amplifier.

The EMU 0202's headphone amp has enough juice to drive the 595s optimally.

And oh - I forgot to mention than they are fantastic ! The bass is super quick, quicker than 580s, but less deeper, from what I remember. I find the mids a lot better than the 580s.

Maybe it needs to be broken in, they have less than 10 hours on them atm.