EPROM programming HELP


PC enthusiast since MS DOS 5

I need help in programming a EPROM 2716 model.

No wait, I am not talking about 'How to BURN the EPROM using Burning-Device or UV-Lights'.

Before that, at the very first, I have to write the CODE in Assembly (I know Assembly Language). Test the CODE. May be emulate the CODE with my PI system... then the 'burning'.

How to do that ? any Links ?
greenhorn said:
any particular reason why this particualr EEPROM?

Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooog reason.

Think that Company said 'must be this one'.

Just for your knowledge: 2716 is the smallest EPROM in the market, 16KB. There is also EPROM 2708 of 8KB but availability to very low.
Thank for the Link, But not these.....

These are like programms for 8085/8088 etc processors.

I need to program EPROM, even though it is also Assembly Language but 'its different'.
Read datasheet - 2716 datasheet explains how to program it. I do not remember exactly, but basically most 27xx series EPROM are programmed in similar fashion. Raise Vpp, apply address and data and clock it. Datasheet should give you exact information you are looking for.