Explain me this encypt/decrypt module...

This is a VB 6 coding ( module )
i'll be calling the function in this syntax to encrypt it the next syntax to decrypt it...

had downloaded from PSC . . . no issue wat so ever...only thing is i'm not able to understand the head or tail of it...
Just give me a basic idea of wat is happening in the code..(me a noob in vb programming btw..:( )

excrypted.text = DS2.EncryptString(Txt2.Text, pass, True)
decrypted.Text = DS2.DecryptString(Txt2.Text, pass, True)

kinda in a hurry..:ashamed:

Option Explicit
Private Declare Sub CopyMem Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)

Public Event Progress(Percent As Integer)
Const Rounds = 16

Private byteArray() As Byte
Private hiByte As Long
Private hiBound As Long
Private AddTbl(255, 255) As Byte
Private XTbl(255, 255) As Byte
Private LsTbl(255, 255) As Byte
Private RsTbl(255, 255) As Byte
Private Sub Append(ByRef StringData As String, Optional Length As Long)
' Speed string concatenation
Dim DataLength As Long
If Length > 0 Then DataLength = Length Else DataLength = Len(StringData)
If DataLength + hiByte > hiBound Then
hiBound = hiBound + 1024
ReDim Preserve byteArray(hiBound)
End If
CopyMem ByVal VarPtr(byteArray(hiByte)), ByVal StringData, DataLength
hiByte = hiByte + DataLength
End Sub
Private Function DeHex(Data As String) As String
Dim iCount As Double
For iCount = 1 To Len(Data) Step 2
Append Chr$(Val("&H" & Mid$(Data, iCount, 2)))
DeHex = GData
End Function
Public Function EnHex(Data As String) As String
Dim iCount As Double, sTemp As String
For iCount = 1 To Len(Data)
sTemp = Hex$(Asc(Mid$(Data, iCount, 1)))
If Len(sTemp) < 2 Then sTemp = "0" & sTemp
Append sTemp
EnHex = GData
End Function
Private Property Get GData() As String
Dim StringData As String
StringData = Space(hiByte)
CopyMem ByVal StringData, ByVal VarPtr(byteArray(0)), hiByte
GData = StringData
End Property

Public Function EncryptString(Text As String, Optional Key As String, Optional OutputInHex As Boolean) As String
On Error Resume Next
EncryptString = StrConv(EncryptByte(StrConv(Text, vbFromUnicode), StrConv(Key, vbFromUnicode)), vbUnicode)
On Error Resume Next
If OutputInHex = True Then EncryptString = EnHex(EncryptString)
On Error Resume Next
End Function
Public Function DecryptString(Text As String, Optional Key As String, Optional IsTextInHex As Boolean) As String
On Error Resume Next
If IsTextInHex = True Then Text = DeHex(Text)
On Error Resume Next
DecryptString = StrConv(DecryptByte(StrConv(Text, vbFromUnicode), StrConv(Key, vbFromUnicode)), vbUnicode)
On Error Resume Next
End Function

Private Sub Reset()
hiByte = 0
hiBound = 1024
ReDim byteArray(hiBound)
End Sub
Public Function EncryptByte(DS() As Byte, Key() As Byte)
Dim tmp2() As Byte, p As Integer, i As Long, Bound As Integer, r As Integer

' Expands keys if too small (weak keys may result)
If UBound(Key) < 0 Then
ReDim Key(2): Key(0) = 1: Key(1) = 1: Key(2) = 1
ElseIf UBound(Key) = 0 Then
ReDim tmp2(0): tmp2(0) = Key(0): ReDim Key(2)
Key(0) = tmp2(0): Key(1) = 1: Key(2) = 1
ElseIf UBound(Key) = 1 Then
ReDim tmp2(1): tmp2(0) = Key(0): tmp2(1) = Key(1): ReDim Key(2)
Key(0) = tmp2(0): Key(1) = tmp2(1): Key(2) = 1
End If

' Prepares array for salt
ReDim tmp2((UBound(DS)) + 5)

' Generate salt
Randomize Timer
tmp2(0) = Int((Rnd * 254) + 1)
tmp2(1) = Int((Rnd * 254) + 1)
tmp2(2) = Int((Rnd * 254) + 1)
tmp2(UBound(tmp2)) = Int((Rnd * 254) + 1)
tmp2(UBound(tmp2) - 1) = Int((Rnd * 254) + 1)

' Fill block with salt
Call CopyMem(tmp2(3), DS(0), UBound(DS) + 1)
ReDim DS(UBound(tmp2)) As Byte
DS() = tmp2()
ReDim tmp2(0)

' Encrypt block
For r = 1 To Rounds
Bound = (UBound(Key))
p = 0
For i = 0 To UBound(DS) - 1
If p = Bound Then p = 0
DS(i) = XTbl(DS(i), AddTbl(DS(i + 1), Key(p)))
DS(i + 1) = XTbl(DS(i), DS(i + 1))
DS(i) = XTbl(DS(i), AddTbl(DS(i + 1), Key(p + 1)))
p = p + 1
RaiseEvent Progress((r / Rounds) * 100)

EncryptByte = DS()
End Function
Public Function DecryptByte(DS() As Byte, Key() As Byte)
Dim tmp2() As Byte, p As Long, i As Long, Bound As Integer, r As Integer

' Expands keys if too small
If UBound(Key) < 0 Then
ReDim Key(2): Key(0) = 1: Key(1) = 1: Key(2) = 1
ElseIf UBound(Key) = 0 Then
ReDim tmp2(0): tmp2(0) = Key(0): ReDim Key(2)
Key(0) = tmp2(0): Key(1) = 1: Key(2) = 1
ElseIf UBound(Key) = 1 Then
ReDim tmp2(1): tmp2(0) = Key(0): tmp2(1) = Key(1): ReDim Key(2)
Key(0) = tmp2(0): Key(1) = tmp2(1): Key(2) = 1
End If

' Decrypt block
For r = 1 To Rounds
Bound = (UBound(Key))
p = (UBound(DS)) Mod (UBound(Key))

For i = (UBound(DS)) To 1 Step -1
If p = 0 Then p = Bound
DS(i - 1) = XTbl(DS(i - 1), AddTbl(DS(i), Key(p)))
DS(i) = XTbl(DS(i - 1), DS(i))
DS(i - 1) = XTbl(DS(i - 1), AddTbl(DS(i), Key(p - 1)))
p = p - 1
RaiseEvent Progress((r / Rounds) * 100)

' Filter out added salt strings
tmp2() = DS()
On Error Resume Next
ReDim DS((UBound(tmp2)) - 4) As Byte
On Error Resume Next
Call CopyMem(DS(0), tmp2(3), UBound(DS))
On Error Resume Next
ReDim Preserve DS(UBound(DS) - 1) As Byte
On Error Resume Next
DecryptByte = DS()
On Error Resume Next

End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer

For i = 0 To 255
For j = 0 To 255
XTbl(i, j) = CByte(i Xor j)
AddTbl(i, j) = CByte((i + j) Mod 255)
End Sub

This is a VB 6 coding ( module )
i'll be calling the function in this syntax to encrypt it the next syntax to decrypt it...

excrypted.text = DS2.EncryptString(Txt2.Text, pass, True)
decrypted.Text = DS2.DecryptString(Txt2.Text, pass, True)
He calls it as DS2 encryption :S
somone care to explain me watever they know please...
with regards,
I suggest you first try to read the theory part of Encryption/Decryption viz keys, ciphoring, hashing, salts etc. And then try to find understand therotical part of this DS2 encryption algorithm .Only then you can understand the code.