Storage Solutions External USB SATA Casing for my 500GB SATA internal HD

2 days back i purchased a Seagate 500GB SATA Hard disk for my PC in addition to the 160 SATA HD i was already having for storage i want to use the 500GB SATA as an external portable USB drive also. i am aware that u can get USB SATA adapters for this...but i dont like the so many wires and adapters it is i am looking for something less cumbersome like an external case....this would make it more easy for me to use it as an USB drive...

Something like the image shown in the below link...

USB 2.0 SATA Hard Drive Enclosure

i would also like to have the recommended and reliable brands for the USB SATA enclosure... and where could i buy them? i stay in mulund....when i had went to thane, they only had adapters and Chinese branded adapters...

thank u all...
I have a coolermaster Xcraft 3.5" casing and am pretty happy with it :)

You can get it thru Lynx-Arambir :)
^^ i dont think any casing can support all 3 interfaces at once. i.e. USB, sata and NAS/ethernet as outputs.

After considerable looking around i finally settled for cooler master casing 3.5 Xcraft. Its fine, though as a while its considerably heavy with big fat wires.. :D

But cant help it. Its better than local adapters whose powersupplies as well as cables are unreliable i am having another friend sez not to purchase external portable casing for my HD since it can screw it this true? anybody using the external portable casing for their HDs plz suggest....
Balkazzaar said: i am having another friend sez not to purchase external portable casing for my HD since it can screw it this true? anybody using the external portable casing for their HDs plz suggest....

True, but ONLY if you buy one of the el-cheapo Chinese casings in the market :p

Get a good quality one n you will be fine :)
thank u so much 4 the replies guys...really appreciate it...and btw ur opinion which one shud i go for 4 my 500GB drive...i mean the brand???????? will cooler master do? or is there any other brand as well...........