iOS Facing iPhone 4S display problem..


Brutally Honest
So i got a used iPhone 4S a few days ago from a member here. Before buying seller sent some pics which showed the phone in working condition. He personally delivered it to a relative's place in Delhi and relative confirmed that there is nothing wrong with the phone and paid for it. I got the phone in my hands a few hours ago. Nothing wrong with the phone hardwarephysical-condition wise, as promised. I turned on the phone super-excitedly but lo! Phone wouldn't boot. At first i thought the battery was drained out so i connected the charger which produced the charging sound. Tried to switch it on again, phone still wouldn't boot which started making me very nervous. Tried to turned it on again with some minutes break in between. Still nothing. Then i started to diagnosed the problem one by one. Charger works. The ringing/silent button on the left works because it vibrates when i flick it down. Contacted the seller who told me to do a hard-reset. I promptly looked for guides online. Followed through the steps properly. Still nothing when the phone should've booted showing the apple logo. But display is still pitch black. Started to wonder as to what could've gone wrong. I finally touched upon the power button and when i click it like you would lock/bring up the phone from sleep/hibernation the background light glows. Just that nothing is visible on the screen. Lock it and screen goes black. Press it again and the same background light comes up again.
I came to the conclusion that there is something wrong with the display and i want to point out that its not the original one. Seller replaced it locally, i bought it anyway keeping that fact in mind. I did requested him for a week testing warranty from the day i receive it. Putting that aside, what could've possibly went wrong with the phone in just a few days? Relative told me and said the phone was kept away after the delivery so i know that no one else used it.
And is the display really dead?
I could take it to the apple service but i fear the costs will kill the value of the phone. :/
Help please.[DOUBLEPOST=1459846240][/DOUBLEPOST]SIRI SPOKE! SHE SPOKE! SIRI IS ALIVE BUT I CAN'T SEE HER 'COZ SHE'S BLACK![DOUBLEPOST=1459858725][/DOUBLEPOST]Update: I can call/receive the number without any problem. Will this be repairable or do i need to get a new screen? How much does the original one cost?
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Since you've 1 week testing warranty, why can't you return. It'll be not a wise decision if you decide to replace the screen
Since you've 1 week testing warranty, why can't you return. It'll be not a wise decision if you decide to replace the screen
Well if it can be repaired then it will be good. Meanwhile another member on seeing this thread pm'd me that he can sell his original display taken from his dead 4S if the problem here is the display. Hope the price is negotiable.
And yeah I've already informed the seller about the display issue and sent him this thread link. He will reply when he logs in. I'm actually so relieved that I asked for the testing warranty else i would've been screwed by this big time. We'll discuss and hopefully come to an agreement or something.
You know I was very eagerly waiting to receive the phone since it will be my first new phone in a pretty long time but this happens. Fml. :(
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Hey, just to throw it out there to everyone I'm the seller. I am baffled as you are over this issue and can understand your frustration about it too. As I discussed with you over text, I had a chat with the chap who replaced the screen and he said it's probable that the connector has come loose and that's why the screen is acting up. I can see no reason why the screen would go kaput in a matter of few days after having delivered to your relative a perfectly working phone. I really hope we can find some resolution to this issue. From my side, I have a dead iPhone 4 lying around and I can offer you the screen of the phone, if that can be used on the 4S. If I were you, I'd take it to a trusty mobile repair shop and get it checked out for a loose connector.

I am surprised at how the display has gone kaput within a span of such a short time of being replaced. I did deliver the phone to your aunt's house and she, after checking the phone to her content and affirming with you over the phone of it's condition, had gone ahead with the deal. I hope you realise that I am trying my best to help you find a solution to this issue and have actively been messaging you to the best of my ability since you brought the issue to my notice. I will do what I can to take this issue to it's logical conclusion and to our mutual satisfaction.
Just ill luck I guess. I'm not the lucky type anyway.
Also from my small research online the 4 display is not compatible with 4S. I will take it for a possible repair tomorrow and update you guys when i return.
Rest is on PM. Can't wait to use it.[DOUBLEPOST=1459941467][/DOUBLEPOST]Guys, update. Screen is dead. Needs to be replaced.
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One last update on the phone:
I finally got the display replaced in Bangalore for 3k. And guess what, the display wasn't the only thing wrong with it. After the screen was replaced with a new one another problem cropped up: the camera also wasn't working. Had to get that repaired as well. Not sure if the battery is dying but it quickly run out of juice.
Tried to update the iOS but it wouldn't work. Got errors and refused to update. But I'll leave it like this for now.
Just trying to forget all these shit. Thankfully though I gave the phone to someone else and the person likes it because of its compact size. Deal and hassle wasn't worth it. Nearly used it as a 6k paperweight. Someone else happily using it does help a little bit with the consolation.

What I learned from all these is: before you buy a used product ask as many as relevant questions regarding the product as you can. Get latest images with user name and date. Ask for pictures from all possible sides. And last but not the least, get testing warranty for at least a few days or a week. Just mentioning a few. Don't make the same silly mistakes which I did. Moderation on the internet is a joke. You're on your own.