Far cry 2: The review

So what is far cry 2? It is not just appealing vast open landscape now, is it? It isn’t anything striking, adaptive storyline something with extraordinary visuals. Its not even one of those volatile camps filled boxes and crates with unlimited ammo- like Gordon Freeman’s buggy and rocket crates. Are there even lots adrenalised situations where in moment you switch from sniper to a machine gun while weapons are fired by enemies randomly?

Actually it’s appealing before any of those situations during the game play. Typically one checks ammo, you reload and wait with great anxiety. As usual with other games, it’s always calm before the storm. It’s a game that will surprise, excite and enthral you while you stand still and waiting to strike hard. This game belongs to a genre which firmly concentrates on blowing stuff up and getting multiple headshots with a sniper rifle. But Far cry-2 in my opinion is smart in a weird sort of way. It feels scripted but its not- either that or it’s a side effect of mine that I have played tonnes of FPS and FPS moods out there. As I mention it on my preview of far cry 2 ages ago- It’s an open world first person shooter set in Africa where you fulfil a life of tracking, killing an armed dealer named The Jackal. For a moment you (especially critic writers who say FC2 is a mediocre game) will expect it to be carefully “orchestrated†jungle and invisible corridors through a sandy desert- a desert with enemies randomly shooting you and you as in many typical games run for cover (either that or the video does it for you). Well- that’s where the unknown excitement begins. It’s free roaming- though it doesn’t have Jack Carter its still have a major essence of the original far cry.

Around an hour’s time after doing the needed tutorials and introductions- after that it’s just a goal which is a cliché- Kill Jackal. How you do it? Its upto to you. Many games have promised that but the only exciting game we see is either ghosts coming in your face out of nowhere, secret passages with lots of stash or a vampire with a baseball bat whacking you across the head and talking to you about his past life while your on the ground. Many promise- but in reality, did it deliver? We played series of FPS- from quake to the current crysis. It differs from person to person- one will feel excited because they “feel†the change all thanks to special effects and sounds- some don’t, considering effects and sounds nothing more than a marketing gimmick to sell a game for a good profit.

Farcry 2 does really break new grounds- it’s something that we see it in MMORPG but in a very vague manner. Even though there is a story and a mission- who lives, who dies, who is the last man OR woman standing- is your call. What I am going to mentioned from the second page to the second last is a spoiler though there are small bits and pieces I will hide for the interest of the readers. Also a part of these upcoming pages will show my direct and indirect comparison with other games as well. If one wishes, one can read the first and the last page which pretty much explains my reviews in a good way- or else the whole thing. Like the game- the choice is yours.


[BREAK=The narrative plot (Spoiler Warning)]

You wake up in a slaughterhouse where you meet a guy called Warren who seems to be an American. The guy is kind enough to give you a weapon and gives you a good idea about a group called united front for liberation and labour that are holding foreign mercenaries as hostages in the south. He says that you need to go and save them. So you do and rescue Nasreen Davar and is grateful for her rescue just like in all “damsel in distress is rescued†sort of way. She doesn’t give you a hug or anything more- like another weapon to be specific. Instead- she will promise to help you out when you need it. Whether that happens or not is something I won’t say. This was the experience that I had in far cry 2 when I was playing in my friend’s system that has a legit copy (got it as an import from his bro in a pre order).

Again I sleep and wake up and this time its Andre the Haitian. Just like in previous scenario I rescue someone- this time its Quabani Singh who’s being held by another faction- Alliance for popular resistance. Just like the girl- he makes the promise. Whether he lives upto it or not- I might say or I might not. Why now readers might be flabbergasted on why the heck I said it’s smart. It sound more like situations and characters are swapped- something that we see in many games every now and then. So basically these situations are- stories. However what makes this storytelling game cool is that you get to play this game lots of time and see different things and situations spark up- like a déjà vu experience gone bad. It’s a game that reacts in a chemical “locha†according to your successes, failures and (pardon my French) **** ups.

It’s as simple as this- you don’t like what a guy is telling you to do it- don’t do it and don’t regret later. You’re having another déjà vu experience this time with another game- S.T.A.L.K.E.R.? Nah. It’s like the good old fashioned office politics (school- college- house). You like a person you stick with him- or her. When situations forces you to take decisions what you don’t like- there you go that what separates from FC2 from Stalker. FC2 makes a good effort in banking on our anticipation, reluctance and other things that we use it in the real world- but for games it goes out of the window.

Another situation- you have limited bullets- you’re under constant fire and eventually- too late! Dead? No.

There comes Nasreen- she comes like a wingless angel with desert eagle. Lara croft lingo- no. Déjà vu experience when Alyx rescued Gordon Freeman from being beaten down by the combine and their taser rods- no. She puts you over her shoulders and takes you to safety- until a grenade comes near her feet and goes off. Now it’s your turn to be a knight in shining armour- and to make it even for the embarrassment that a girl carried you out like a kid. You don’t have med kits (in this game scenario- syrettes) - so what you do. Ditch her and find some medical supplies or leave her to die in pain. Or do her a favour and put a bullet in your head to take her out of the misery- your choice? Didn’t that throw away Alyx indirect mushy scenes out of your head- hell yes. But what happens to the game- no it doesn’t say game over. There are no outstanding personalities- like “mom†in crisis warhead. Two factions and their mission- key for dominating this game. The AFFP is more like a community and AFP is sound of Zebra skins. I choose AFFP- community power rules.

The after effects come later on when you play. What effects- I wont say it completely since its randomised so there no point in telling it. Moral choices rarely feel natural in games- even ethics as well. A part of it reminds me of Bioshock choices are based on your judgements. So is it Bioshock indirect wannabe? No. This world is corrupted where people want the war to be constant since it’s profitable for them. So FC2 does remove all the ethical baggage from the game. It simply promotes self interest. Two factions need a major or full chunk of power- where mercenaries need cash. During the game you build up your abilities whereas the jackal plays them off against each other. So how you make the decisions? Clue- medicines are vital.

[BREAK=Is that all? (Spoiler Content)]

Wait- where are the rocket launchers? FC2 is not about narration. A part but not a major chunk of the game. It has some really big explosions with some of the best crossfire gunplay I have seen so far. The enemy AI is intelligent enough to come forward and try to flank you, also giving access to expose them long enough to take them down.

A good part is that fights are varied as you want them to be- like the “kill the DJ†mission. What happens is something you need to see when you playing the game. One absorbs the gameplay in a unique manner. Once you get the essence of the game- I doubt people will leave to finish this game off- unless it’s forced.

So about the graphics- it’s extraordinarily beautiful. Hands down- and it’s not resource hungry as crysis- atleast on paper. Given the right hardware- its surprisingly good looking game. In quiet moments of the game when your riding a jeep, you will see gazelles running alongside- one of those scenarios that you feel “riding down the sunsetâ€. The good part is it succeeds in all factor as an FPS. There’s no barrier to break our concentration. In short- you feel like a lost foreign tourist stuck in the middle of nowhere and wished you spend some extra money on a map that a guy was selling the day before.

To heal- you need to do surgery of your own. Jab yourself with a syrette, relocate your bones to a proper place and seal up your wounds. Leaving some details aside- it rarely reminds that your playing a game since its well made. This game does simulate weather well. The Dawn is astonishing, sunsets acts like a catalyst to already stunning landscape. When you reach for the map, it doesn’t give you “you are here†tag and a compass on a new screen. You get a map- and a diamond locator. Why you need diamonds? To buy weapons.


The game will hook you up from start to finish. All these changes don’t come up all of a sudden. The transition of emotions during this game is pretty slow that one barely notices. So it’s a perfect game? Did FC2 succeed where others failed? There are many situations which makes you to quick- save and attrite for a moment. There are more that I wanted to mention- but since I am writing this from a mental draft to here- I somehow get the feeling those imperfections also act as a catalyst to give this game a good look. This sentence is more of an opinion than as a review from a third person’s perspective.

Bottom line- not all will like this game. Do I like this game- I do but I would pick up this game for myself when I browse through shops and have some money to burn- but that’s my perspective. I didn’t like the massive ad system where roadside did have billboards with real- time products displayed on it. Some will feel frustrated that the AI bad people respawn after you just kill them- do you feel is something you need to see for your self. Another frustration is that every mission ends up killing lot of people. But these are certain things that I overlooked after playing some more missions.

But it’s still a great game. I didn’t feel like playing crysis warhead after coming from my friend’s place- which might conflict my next review for warhead as well. A part of me wanted to read spoiler for this game, but a part of me didn’t. I don’t how will I judge other FPS with this kind of experience. Before buying the game- give demo a chance. Word of advice- if you have any fps lying around idle- finish that for namesake before touching this. This game gets a worthy 4 ½ stars out of 5.

Thanks for reading.
Your efforts of putting review are pretty good but u seem to be a fanboi of farcry2 overlooking some of major drawbacks... 4.5/5 too much overrated doesnt deserve more than 3 at max.
As mentioned- some will like it. Some will not. Perception is something which differs from person to person. I am not a fanboy- if I was, the conclusion would have been way different.
You need to focus on game play more instead of the plot. Read thru a link in the FC2 thread and there was lotsa bad and valid vibes about the gameplay. I was looking for some rebuttals/ explanations here. Can you elaborate a little more on the game play as regards the criticism in those discussions?
Naga said:
You need to focus on game play more instead of the plot. Read thru a link in the FC2 thread and there was lotsa bad and valid vibes about the gameplay. I was looking for some rebuttals/ explanations here. Can you elaborate a little more on the game play as regards the criticism in those discussions?

^ +1 for 1st link all major drawbacks that made this game screwed up
w1nD said:
Your efforts of putting review are pretty good but u seem to be a fanboi of farcry2 overlooking some of major drawbacks... 4.5/5 too much overrated doesnt deserve more than 3 at max.

That depends on ones perspective too. If you ask a person who likes FPS games to review a RTS, he would probably say that the game is slow and boring. Similarly if you ask an RPG fan to rate an FPS, he would probably say that the game is nothing but mindless shooting and give a low rating. That sort of bias is sub conscious even though a reviewer tries to be neutral. What looks like drawbacks to you may not be drawbacks to others.

Farcry 2 is not your regular FPS. The developers have tried to incorporate open world elements with limited success. Its similar to Assassins Creed, sure there are some things that were not done to every ones liking, but there are people who still loved the game. I thoroughly enjoyed Assassins Creed and I like Farcry 2. In fact I have liked almost every open world action game I played (like Just Cause, Scarface, God Father) except for the GTA series. For me GTA 4 was a lot more disappointing game (Just played 10~12 hours and got bored) compared to Assassins creed and Farcry 2.

If you want to put forth your opinions on the game, why don't you write your own review on the game instead of calling someone else a Fanboi of the game just because he gave it a 4.5/5 rating. If I were to give a rating for this game myself, I would give it a 4/5.
Lord Nemesis said:
That depends on ones perspective too. If you ask a person who likes FPS games to review a RTS, he would probably say that the game is slow and boring. Similarly if you ask an RPG fan to rate an FPS, he would probably say that the game is nothing but mindless shooting and give a low rating. That sort of bias is sub conscious even though a reviewer tries to be neutral. What looks like drawbacks to you may not be drawbacks to others.

Farcry 2 is not your regular FPS. The developers have tried to incorporate open world elements with limited success. Its similar to Assassins Creed, sure there are some things that were not done to every ones liking, but there are people who still loved the game. I thoroughly enjoyed Assassins Creed and I like Farcry 2. In fact I have liked almost every open world action game I played (like Just Cause, Scarface, God Father) except for the GTA series. For me GTA 4 was a lot more disappointing game (Just played 10~12 hours and got bored) compared to Assassins creed and Farcry 2.

If you want to put forth your opinions on the game, why don't you write your own review on the game instead of calling someone else a Fanboi of the game just because he gave it a 4.5/5 rating. If I were to give a rating for this game myself, I would give it a 4/5.

why are you fuming ?? :S i myself a fps fan but what ubi has done with the game it being "FPS" and me also being FPS fan it purely sucks and what you said return backs to you also....you liked it i didnt.i made my opinion and after the link Naga gave it was pretty clear that game is not like any other fps...but plain boring game all HYPED not even comparable to AC which gave the gaming world something new !!!

as for me writing review i have still not completed the game.and when other write review its bound to have its plus and minus,and now you only think that how many review have you seen and made bad faces at some of those you didnt like so did you went and write a new review there ?? instead of commenting :S
the thing i hate about fc2??

the amount of mindless driving.

pissing off.

and when u buy a new gun , that also jams.

i mean.. wtf!! A FRAKKING NEW GUN!?!

the missions are much shorter than the time taken to reach the destination.
imo.. this could have made a fun racing game with the checkpoints and addition of other drivers ! :p

( ok.. i know the above is really off the mark )
Lord Nemesis said:
why don't you write your own review on the game instead of calling someone else a Fanboi of the game just because he gave it a 4.5/5 rating. If I were to give a rating for this game myself, I would give it a 4/5.

Thats a pretty stupid thing to say. Write your own review instead of commenting, right?????

I would say anyone giving FC2 that high a rating wud mean, he hasnt completed the game as simple as that or maybe he is a fanboi.......

I wont actually say a gud review sorcerer coz of the huge difference of opinion, but wud rather say, gud writeup.....:D
Well- I did say not everyone would like it. And I did say that this game was far from perfect. But as a game it made a good attempt. Its anything but the original farcry. It was a way different game with a game which had a good name. If you see the conclusion- I doubt I said that this is a must buy. Give it a try with the demo- if you dont like move on. After playing this game I started hating warhead. It is from my perspective that I have given 4.5 because I enjoyed it at the end of the game.
w1nD said:
why are you fuming ?? :S i myself a fps fan but what ubi has done with the game it being "FPS" and me also being FPS fan it purely sucks and what you said return backs to you also....you liked it i didnt.i made my opinion and after the link Naga gave it was pretty clear that game is not like any other fps...but plain boring game all HYPED not even comparable to AC which gave the gaming world something new !!!

as for me writing review i have still not completed the game.and when other write review its bound to have its plus and minus,and now you only think that how many review have you seen and made bad faces at some of those you didnt like so did you went and write a new review there ?? instead of commenting :S

I am not fuming nor have I got anything against you, I am just making a point. Had you simply stated your opinion like I did, all would have been well. But in addition, you made a comment about the writer of the review which was unwarranted.

w1nD said:
u seem to be a fanboi of farcry2 overlooking some of major drawbacks...

You could have just stated those major drawbacks or posted a link to them. If you had felt that the review was unfair, you could have posted a review of your own. That's what I am saying. :)

Believe me when I say fanboi's (and hateboi's) are a different breed together. They are the people who obsessively love or hate some product or brand blindly and do not tolerate any one who states an opinion different to theirs. Instead of talking about the product itself, they quickly resort to bashing or personally attacking the people themselves or like in the more recent times, first badge those with the different opinions as Anti-Fanbois or whatever, an imaginary term cooked up by Fanboi's and portrayed to be a breed even more terrible than themselves :rofl: , probably just so they could feel good about what they themselves are doing, negate the credibility of the other persons opinions and/or justify their own personal attacks.

The reviewer here is not a fanboi. He just stated his own perspective of the game. A Fanboi is not a term that should be loosely attached to anyone just like that.

On the other hand, I would not take anyone with a sig like the one below very seriously.

Far Cry 2 is a piece of crap. If you disagree theres 3 reasons, your a console gamer at heart, you havent played the game (or not enough anyway), or your blind, literally. Wait theres a fourth, your legally retarded and very easily amused.

If trying to make a decision on whether or not the buy FC2 read! - XtremeSystems Forums

Its true, there were some valid issues stated by this guy in his thread, but with a Sig like this, I would just ignore the guy and check the game out for myself. ;)
thebanik said:
Thats a pretty stupid thing to say. Write your own review instead of commenting, right?????

I would say anyone giving FC2 that high a rating wud mean, he hasnt completed the game as simple as that or maybe he is a fanboi.......

You misunderstood me there. As I said, I have no issues with people having different opinions about something, but not respecting others opinion and calling someone a fanboi just because he gave the game a rating 4.5/5 is taking it overboard and the same applies to you too.

I am not saying that he should write his own review instead of commenting about the game here, I am saying that he should refrain from commenting about the author or If he thinks the author has been unfair with his review, he should just write another review with his own views.

What matters in a computer game is whether you are having fun playing the game, apparently sorcerer did (and too I am having fun with the game), so he rated it 4.5 and some people apparently did not have fun. What looks like issues to you may not be issues to others. For example, I do not mind the enemies being tougher to kill or having perfect aim. The main issues I have with the game is that there could have been a lot more content like more side missions to do in during those long rides across the map.

Ninja Gaiden, a game that several people dislike due its being so tough is also liked by many people because its so tough. So its just a matter of opinion.

In the past, I have openly criticized several Apple products, but have I ever made comments about the members posting in support of them just because they support them. Have I ever called a fellow member a fanboi just because he likes his iPod or iPhone. What works for you may not for others and vice-versa.

Sorcerer never said in this review that this is the greatest game and without any flaws or that this is a must buy game. He even mentioned that not everyone will like this game.
Lord Nemesis said:
You misunderstood me there. As I said, I have no issues with people having different opinions about something, but not respecting others opinion and calling someone a fanboi just because he gave the game a rating 4.5/5 is taking it overboard and the same applies to you too.

I am not saying that he should write his own review instead of commenting about the game here, I am saying that he should refrain from commenting about the author or If he thinks the author has been unfair with his review, he should just write another review with his own views.

What matters in a computer game is whether you are having fun playing the game, apparently sorcerer did (and too I am having fun with the game), so he rated it 4.5 and some people apparently did not have fun. What looks like issues to you may not be issues to others. For example, I do not mind the enemies being tougher to kill or having perfect aim. The main issues I have with the game is that there could have been a lot more content like more side missions to do in during those long rides across the map.

Ninja Gaiden, a game that several people dislike due its being so tough is also liked by many people because its so tough. So its just a matter of opinion.

In the past, I have openly criticized several Apple products, but have I ever made comments about the members posting in support of them just because they support them. Have I ever called a fellow member a fanboi just because he likes his iPod or iPhone. What works for you may not for others and vice-versa.

Sorcerer never said in this review that this is the greatest game and without any flaws or that this is a must buy game. He even mentioned that not everyone will like this game.

moi mistake, :) , u put it rightly, :) Just that those problems seem so big to me that I made that comment.
Played it - POS. Sucks a$$. Not a worthy successor to the original, gameplay is way off. Only eye-candy counts for nothing.
Crysis, STALKER much better. 7/10 max...
^^Agree with you. Personal comments about stuff like games are allowed. I don't like it when people buy expensive gadgets and claim they're the best thing around though. Obviously if you've paid 20K for even crap, you'll hold it dear, right?
The Sorcerer said:
^^ People dont buy expensive gadgets for one single game dude :p.

Just as your opinion smacks of fanboi'ism "dude". Catching the bull by the tail shows your level of understanding too.

The games crap regardless :eek:hyeah:
And believe me, few were sadder than I. I played the original for over 100 hours, must have replayed it at least 4-5 times. This one I dropped after half an hour. The death of a franchise owing to some overly judicious milking...