Fastest Data in the World


wizened Dinosaur
Forget about Gbps - THINK Pbps!

As IT updates go, this was about as nerve-wracking as things can get.

In February, deep inside a warehouse at Cern, the Swiss home of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) – the world’s biggest science experiment – two network engineers held their breath. And pressed a button....
a new data link between the LHC in Switzerland and data storage sites in The Netherlands was set up that could reach speeds of 800 gigabits per second (Gbps).....

Every time one tiny subatomic particle smashes into another during experiments at the LHC, the impact generates staggering volumes of data – about one petabyte per second. That’s enough to fill 220,000 DVDs.

In November, a team of researchers in Japan broke the world speed record for data transmission when they reached an astonishing 22.9 Pbps. That’s enough bandwidth to supply every single person on the planet, and then a couple billion more, with a Netflix stream, says Chigo Okonkwo at Eindhoven University of Technology, who was involved in the work.
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How do you measure and gauge BW on Pbps when we have meagre BW NIC cards and data processing hardware in the first place. Moreover, what type of Networking equipment switches the traffic at that speed?
How do you measure and gauge BW on Pbps when we have meagre BW NIC cards and data processing hardware in the first place. Moreover, what type of Networking equipment switches the traffic at that speed?
I don't think they're using the consumer hardware available to you and me. They're not even using enterprise off-the-shelf hardware.
If they have cutting edge tech smashing together particles, I don't think they're going to go "Oh well, the computer store only has a 10gbps NIC. Guess we're out of luck."