Fat free audio set up :p

Got the following as a much needed new audio set up ! Next step, set up an FLAC library ! :)

1) The klipsch Image one
2) Sansa Clip+ 6gb totaly, soon to be rockboxed !
3) JDS labs uber cool tin Cmoy - Special thanks to Eswar !

Let the pics do the talking now !

Congrats ! :D

Do let us know how the Klipsch sounds. At the 6.2 price there is lots of competition like HD555, AD700 and M50s. :)
Thanks guys.
I dont think I can give any imressions on the amps, it is only my second after the E5 so for that any of you guys can take it on a loaner.
For the Klipsch, i cannot say I was very impressed out of the box, so went for the amp. Now even though both of them arent burned in with even 10 hours but yes it sounds alot better now :) Heard the M 50s, I personally found them pretty dark and uncomfy but sound wise I dont think the Klipsch will be very far ahead. Just that i love the brand and a nice protective case always earns points with me made me buy it ! Right now I would rate them as 7/10 , and hoping that after thorough burn in , pairing with the cmoy and getting used to the sound I will rate them as 8/10. Dont think it is justifiable to ask anything more out of them :)

Also it gives me some peace of mind that I finally have decent cans and the coolest thing I have ever seen (Cmoy in the Altoids tin) with me :D
Except for the clip+ I think everything else is not what I would go for. CMoy's are very very disappointing and so is the Klipsch Image one. The M50's are more portable and sound really well. YMMV of course.
You would've found them dark only if you EQ'ed it through your iPod touch if i'm not mistaken. I use my m50's through the iphone / sflo2 / mbp / maverick d1(which is supposed to be dark) and I don't find them Dark for closed cans!!
Congrats man, nice VFM setup too.

@benny - Yeah, he heard them mainly through the Ipod + Fiio E5. I love my M50's straight from my S:Flo2 though, much wider soundstage and better instrument separation on the Flo.