PC Peripherals Faulty PSU??


hey guys, i recently got a rma done for my old msi mobo n got it replaced. my rig specs are

Amd Phenom X2 550 BE
MSI 790FX-GD70
Corsair Vengeance 1x4GB DDR3
Kingston 1x2gb DDR3
BIG 8500GT 256mb
Cooler Master Elite 335 with CM 400W PSU

The problem is the system doesn't start after pressing the power button although the motherboard lights n fans are up n running. get no POST beep and no display. After 7-8 tries, it starts out of the blue n then the whole system works just fine. But again whenever i restart the system the problem persists..and sometimes the system won't start for days could it be a faulty SMPS at play or is it motherboard related problem. I have checked,removed n reconnected each n every wire n connection several times but in vain.:annoyed::annoyed::annoyed::annoyed: The motherboard has a set of LED Digital displays which always shows number(maybe some address) when running but always shows 'FF' whenever i encounter the problem mentioned above. Plz Help..
I too faced similar problem, finally found that one of my RAM sticks gave up on me, try booting with only one ram at a time and see how it goes