Introducing a snappy new word processing tool that emulates the features of say most document editors uve seen,so how is it different you may ask ?
Well,for dont have to install it.So the next time you want to make those last minute documents on computers that dont have a word processing tool,you know what to do.Whats more,THanks to open source,wer seeing a whole new breed of applications that can be provded without even bein installed,and one of those is the FCKEditorAnother reason to stay tuned to this app,is their interesting development roadmap.Check them listed at the end of this post.
check out the online application HERE
What is FCKEDitor about
FCKeditor is compatible with the most important browsers available in the market: IE 5.5+, Firefox 1.0+, Mozilla 1.3+ and Netscape 7+. The editor runs over Windows, Mac and Linux. Internet Explorer compatibility is available over Windows only.
More Features
Future PLans (and why you need to stay tuned)
Well,for dont have to install it.So the next time you want to make those last minute documents on computers that dont have a word processing tool,you know what to do.Whats more,THanks to open source,wer seeing a whole new breed of applications that can be provded without even bein installed,and one of those is the FCKEditorAnother reason to stay tuned to this app,is their interesting development roadmap.Check them listed at the end of this post.
check out the online application HERE

CompatabilityThis HTML text editor brings to the web many of the powerful functionalities of known desktop editors like Word. It's really lightweight and doesn't require any kind of installation on the client computer.
As it is Open Source, you are allowed to use it for free wherever you want.
FCKeditor is compatible with the most important browsers available in the market: IE 5.5+, Firefox 1.0+, Mozilla 1.3+ and Netscape 7+. The editor runs over Windows, Mac and Linux. Internet Explorer compatibility is available over Windows only.
More Features
For DevelopersInternet Explorer 5.5+ and Gecko browser (Mozilla / Firefox / Netscape) compatibility
XHTML 1.0 support
Font formatting: type, size, color, style, bold, italic, etc
Text formatting: alignment, indentation, bullets list, etc
Cut, Paste and Past as Plain Text, Undo and Redo
Paste from Word cleanup with auto detection
Link creation
Anchors support
Image insertion, with upload and server browsing support
ASP.Net Control to easily integrate FCKeditor on .Net web pages.
Java integration files.
FCKeditor.PloneZope-CMF product adaption to integrate FCKeditor with Plone. Tested with Plone 2.
Future PLans (and why you need to stay tuned)
Future planned developments:
Advanced support for accessibility issues.
Review all dialog boxes and make then as much complete as they can be (like the new link dialog).
Flash Support.
Multimedia files support.
Complete documentation.