Linux Fedora Core 4 Test 1 released

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Fedora Core 4 Test 1 has been released. This release comes with prereleases of GNOME 2.10, KDE 3.4, 2 as well the latest server software like MySQL 4.1.10 and PHP 5.0.3.
Notable features of FC4test1 include:

. gcc 4.0 as the primary system compiler

. GNOME 2.10.0 Beta 2 included

. The Eclipse IDE included along with some featured plugins

. A solid foundation of Java packages for developers (ant, gcj, tomcat, struts, more classpath stuff) and the ability to possibly run Java apps through gij.

. Lots of package updates

. Started movement of packages to Fedora Extras

. Did I mention PowerPC support?

Source and Downloads linuxcompatible
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