Feedback Errors

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  • 1.jpg
    17.7 KB · Views: 867
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I'm getting the following for every single feedback I'm trying to leave. Please help.


  • Screenshot_20210824-113319_Chrome.jpg
    103.4 KB · Views: 507
Strange issue. ajish65 has been able to leave you feedback for the same thread.

At least you and ajish65 have been able to exchange feedback for another thread.
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just to inform the mods, i faced the double feedback issue when i wrote feedback on last two deals. also i am still not able to put feedback from smartphone(android).
just to inform the mods, i faced the double feedback issue when i wrote feedback on last two deals. also i am still not able to put feedback from smartphone(android).
Yes, Both bugs are known.
Feedback is a 3rd party plugin. Renegade had updated the plugin to see if it's resolved, but doesn't look like.
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