Females thumbs-up! But what about males?!

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Techie The Grandos
Just wanted to share my thoughts and read your thoughts on what I haven been feeling sad about, being a male. Today I read honorable SC has ruled, acid throwers on girls will not get bail, state will compensate etc, sounds great at least someone is working BUT what about boys, are we not humans! What is a female/male throws acid on another male! no rule, no protection......! How can crime be gender biased! When a rule is being made, it has to be gender neutral, crime is to seen as crime, its intensity does not get reduced if the case is opposite. I agree females are on the receiving side most of the time and God has made them a weaker sex but we cant make wrong laws that will change the picture down the line. For eg. So much protection laws like antidowry, domestic violence acts etc has not made uncover so much false claims that even SC has advised caution! There are umpteen case where males are on the receiving end but no one takes a note and thats what worries me, we are setting a wrong trend, crime is a crime,no gender here. PS: I am not against females, its just that i am talking about the future we are trying to make. Your views please.
Only one Solution, Get Passport, Get Working Visa Get going Australia :D

In 80% of the family i came across, i know the DON in the house is the first lady. Then how come they are being declared as a weaker section.

Indian mentality is as cheaper as a 2 rupee bubblegum, which gets worst with time.
Only one Solution, Get Passport, Get Working Visa Get going Australia :D

It's not as simple. Not talking about leaving the country but actually living in the other country. We always feel grass is greener on other side but that is a perception.
Your problems will not magically disappear if you go to a foreign land. In fact you may probably start facing other issues which you probably never even thought about, might be as simple as people unable to pronounce your name properly and murder it everytime they call you, which might actually lead you to change your name appropriate to the culture or as big as unable to adjust in the new environment, lack of being social (which will obviously affect your children too).

Before moving countries, one has to think hell lot of things and then decide whether the gamble is worth playing.

PS: I am my wife have put a lot of thought into this and hence the above things.
Blame the patriarchal society and enjoy your current privileges.

Compared to the atrocities and discrimination females face daily, especially in India, this is nothing.
Indian govt and justice system are very short sighted. The law came into affect after a girl, who was a victim of acid attack filed a petition in court a few years back. If a man files a petition in court possibly it may be applicable to men too.

In short, in India if you want anything, you need to ask and wait for years.
Kerela is Matriarchal, while almost rest of India is Patriarchal.
The individual families may be, but the society as a whole isn't, even in Kerala. Read this and this. What they do is tie up women as "queens" of household and then use them as property. This happens in most of the places in India. It is a matri-lineal family, rather than a matriarchal. However, women have a better status in such places than elsewhere. It is still not equality though.[DOUBLEPOST=1374221333][/DOUBLEPOST]
sorry OP , i think you are coming off from a different direction , the sc order never mentions acid attacks on girls , rather it says acid attack victims ,

dont see where the gender differentiation is in this order
I just read it and it's true. The SC only speaks about victims and not any particular gender.

However, I haven't seen any news of a male being attacked by acid as of yet, let alone by a female. The OP's fears are unfounded.

Moreover, India is ranked at a pathetic 105 when it comes to gender equality.
The laws have to be put in place as per the situation. As @blkrb0t have quoted, gender equality in our country is almost non existent and invariably you will find more news of guys throwing acids on women than the reverse.

I came across a news where one guy in Kolkata got into this habit of getting into the ladies compartment of trains, throw acid on random women, and then disappear in the chaos. I had a few female friends who used to travel on those trains and stay terrified all the time.
A few more news--
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Women / girls: Have no respect in India. Sorry to say. That is why laws as such have to be passed. They are herded like cattle, and literally nose-ringed to greedy grooms and their families with a lot of money. For this reason we have boards in our hospitals/clinics: fetus gender information request is not allowed. That is insane.
When a rule is being made, it has to be gender neutral, crime is to seen as crime, its intensity does not get reduced if the case is opposite.
Agree but I suspect there is a politics involved here too. Elections are coming up and they need to make an impression.

I raised the same issue about lowest taxable bracket a couple of years ago. It was lower for men than women. When discussing this i got some stupid replies. Then i found they made it equal since the last year.

PS: I am not against females, its just that i am talking about the future we are trying to make. Your views please.
People argue that positive discrimination is to counter entrenched inequality already existing in society. I think such laws tend to entrench that inequality even further. Simply because now you are institutionalising it by writing it down in law (!).

About acid attacks they just need to make it harder to acquire like in the west. Will you object if you cannot buy acid in the supermarket 'for cleaning purposes'. Was watching some old serials from the early 60s and this was UK and there was an acid attack shown. Surprised as i've not seen or heard of such in the west in a long time. They get less acid attacks because its much harder to buy there than over here. Harpic FTW.
Many? If you can look at the ratio, there are very less. That was my point. At least she got convicted, which isn't the case with females getting attacked as they won't be supported to even pursue the case.

The whole society is pretty lopsided and gender biased. The law will always be gender neutral, but some provisions have to be made to cull the inequality.
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