Finally Bought HD6950...


Revealing The Beast...

TA DA...



Yes HD6950 Does Fit In NZXT Gamma... :D


congrats mate, you finally took to the Red side, good decision!...Have you unlocked it yet?

PS- Damages??

Edit- update your signature!!! :tongue:
OverlorD said:
Arre, do cable management!1!

I will do it for you in exchange for that card. :p
Actually the problem is that My S12D 750w has a lot ov cables and i dont know where to hide 'em... i know that i can hide some of em behind the motherboard tray but nzxt gamma doesn't have enough space behind the motherboard tray to handle all the cables... :(
Congrats man !! :)

It's about time I start working on my rig the damn thing needs to go full HD first !

PS : Damn it those cables are a bit annoying :( Fix em !