Finally,Google StreetView! It's coming to Bengaluru

xtremevicky said:
All Google street will show in Bangalore is people stuff in traffic :D
Dug up roads, fly over's / under passes under construction,footpath's occupied by vendors, policemen accepting bribes.
Google Street view is banned in some countries because of security reasons... I think our government would soon ban this thing too for the same reason as our country is still currently dealing with the terrorist attacks that happened in the past... And this thing would make our country more unsecure...
Hades. said:
Google Street view is banned in some countries because of security reasons... I think our government would soon ban this thing too for the same reason as our country is still currently dealing with the terrorist attacks that happened in the past... And this thing would make our country more unsecure...
Bang on!,this will be rant from government for sure.Instead of tackling the main issues they will blame google for the street view they will talk as if google is giving the entire picture of India to terrorists which might be true but terrorists are living in the country which they(govt) will never bother to look at.
This is amazing! Hope to see it soon in Delhi as well. This is a great news after Google had denied any of their plans to get Streetview enabled in India like 2 years ago. Planning travel will be a LOT easier now!
raksrules said:
^^But dont you think they would have taken requisite permissions before initiating such a project ??
Our government first gives permission to anything then they think "Hey this thing can be a threat to our country" and then they ban the thing which they allowed... :p

The same thing happened with BB... :p
Gaurish said:
I don't understand how this can be a security thread. I this it would be a boon for many purposes

The name says it all... The street view would be an advantage for the terrorists to plan attacks... They would be able to see each and every place which normally they can't do coz they have to be physically present to do that... And by using google street view they would be able to get to know places without even being physically there... So thats the reason why our Government may consider Google Street View as a threat to the nation... ;)

Just found something

Wikipedia said:
Privacy advocates have objected to this Google feature, pointing to views found to show men leaving strip clubs, protesters at an abortion clinic, sunbathers in bikinis, and people engaging in activities visible from public property in which they do not wish to be seen publicly.[29] Google maintains that the photos were taken from public property. The service also allows users to flag inappropriate or sensitive imagery for Google to review and remove.[30]

In May 2010, it was revealed that Google had collected and stored payload data from unencrypted wi-fi connections as part of Street View.[31] German authorities are considering legal action while the Foreign Minister said "I will do all I can to prevent it." Australian police have also been ordered to investigate.[32][33]

After reading the first line i am :lol:
raksrules said:
^^But dont you think they would have taken requisite permissions before initiating such a project ??
the terrorists do not need any permission & even after they get caught red handed, they will be well protected with public money.

by the way, it is soon coming to Bombay too.