Graphic Cards First Official AMD Radeon R9 290X Benchmarks

The benchmarks are impressive, but prices are unbelievable. Flagship at $550, R9 290X at $300! Comparable to Titan, and better than GTX 780? Looks like NVidia is in for some serious price wars.
Yep, the R9-290x is a KILLER deal from AMD!! Going to get one for myself for sure but I'm going to wait for 3rd party custom versions with better coolers and hopefully less noise and heat.

Funny thing is, earlier this morning had the cards listed with free BF4 thrown in as well.

I just checked again and now most of the cards are out of stock and mention of the free BF4 game has been removed as well. Weird.

AMD is definitely offering BF4 LE at some point with qualifying cards (they are reportedly releasing 8000 R9-290x cards with BF4-LE) -

Also looking forward to the R9-290 launch.

BTW, are you guessing/hoping the price of the R9-290 will be around $300 or do you have a link that lists the forthcoming price? From what I know, the R9-290 will only be officially revealed on the 31st of Oct. Just curious...
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Check out the last page of the Tom's article. The $300 price point is mentioned there. People in the comments also claimed to have preordered it at that price from Newegg before it went out of stock.
Spectacular card for 550$ - the same price I paid for my 7970 in feb 2012.

Its super impressive they are able to beat the titan at half the price. Also in 4k benches, its at times faster than a pair of 780's in SLI.
Well it sucks if they dont price cut the Tiotan, I for one could not care for the double FP etc, I just want FPS :(
Anyway, lets see maybe just gte it to the 780Ti+100USD or so....
^ Sure. Here you go -

AFAIK, only the 280X & 290X are available here ATM. The Asus 280X is Rs.22,500 while the Sapphire ver is around 23,500. R290X price I have already mentioned above.

Hopefully the R290 should be here in another month or two. As for pricing, I'm just GUESSING but I think the vanilla 290 could be priced somewhere between 30-40k going by how Indian Distris/retailers work...
AMD alters Never Settle program with Battlefield 4 and Thief -