First Show Off


1. Got my Audioengine A2 (Black) today. I don't have a cam right now (the good 'ol A75 went caput :( ) So will post pics tomorrow.

First opinion : Toooooooooo small
Unboxing: Reminded me of my first... ummm unboxing :p .

Bundle: The interconnect ain't that good, will go scouting Electronic Gully (Budhwar Peth) to get some 16AWG stuff.

Sound: A lil bright out of the box, but still the best i've heard of any desktop speakers. Burning them in right now, will post the results soon.

2. Picked up a Sennheiser HD 437, yet to be unboxed as i still merged in the A2s. :)

3. Picked up a 4400+ (Nothing to show off here though) :p

EDIT: Added the pics now pardon the PQ these are courtsey my ROKRE6


  • AudioEngines.jpg
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  • Sennheiser Cable Manager on my Philips with TE.jpg
    Sennheiser Cable Manager on my Philips with TE.jpg
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Congrats on the purchase dude; :)

Those A2 babies sound extravagantly brilliant; Post damages as well ;:D
gannu said:
Congrats on the purchase dude; :)

Those A2 babies sound extravagantly brilliant; Post damages as well ;:D


1. 4400+ = INR 2900
2. Audioengine A2 = 9900 + 400 Shipping + 295 Octroi :mad:
3. Senny HD - 437 = 1500 (Audiopalace, MG Road Pune)
just keep the senns plugged in as well when you're playing around with the the A2's. will save you the trouble of breaking them in later :p
greenhorn said:
just keep the senns plugged in as well when you're playing around with the the A2's. will save you the trouble of breaking them in later :p

:mad: Update the AE2s were a faulty piece sent to to me by the APS Corp guys. RMAing them tommorrow. So its time for the senns.

1st Impression: looooooooooooooooooong cable and good thinking on senn's part they included a clip-on cable manager to go along with it.

A tad bass shy initially but after 3 hours on them they are beginnin to show some muscle around the low-mid region, still nothing to match my good old HP820s. :no: . I am not judgemental yet as the HD820s had taken ages to sound as i'd like them too. And it took me ages to understand that how they should sound back in 2003 :tongue: .

This is my first suprasural buy and i am happy i went the supra-way. Circums tend to heat up in long listening sessions. Already 3 Hours straight and i havent removed the 437s even once, and thats a complement to their comfort level.
They played along fine till last night, toady when i started playing they suddennly started sounding watery and stopped midway. Then no sounds at all.

Suspisious, i took out my DMM and tested for the voltages outta the adapter and LO! there was none, i called up Amandeep singh the proprietor of APS Corp. who is distri of AE in india, and he said his guys have sent me a piece marked as faulty and totally 2% of the consignment they have recvd is faulty. I hope its a one off incident and wont happen again.

This is as frustrating as it could be!!!

I RMAed the first pair, the second pair arrived after a good delay and a number of phone calls.

The package it arrived was horrendous. :-[ to boot. Proud AE owners might know that it is packed in:

1. A brown carton first
2. The white shiney packaging
3. Then the thick white styrofoam layer
4. Drawstring bags
5. Thin styrofoam wrappings around everything including the interconnects. Even the leads of the adapter cables are wrapped neatly to prevent damage.

The one i recieved yesterday was only in white packaging, the top TORN off, the silica gel splattered across the packaging, top layer of the styrooam was missing, the speakers and accessories were literally dumped inside, the silica shards had there "EFFECTS" on the shiney black surface of the speakers. I became suspicious and insisted on testing these before i accepted the package.

And as I expected the shrucken speaker were DOA :bomb: . After much deliberation and a few more frantic phone calls around pune and mumbai :argue: the DTDC guy agreed to take it back.

Now the APS people are asking me to accept a WHITE (A2W) speaker as black are out of stock. I even accept that, i just hope they send me the speakers man. :frusty:

All prospective buyers BEWARE of such transactions.
Sorry to hear that man ! It must be really frustrating for you. But take heart in a few days time you will be listening to these speakers and you will forget all the problems you had till then ! :)