Freaked Out!!!!

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Omg, ok some of you may not believe me but I don't care, heres what happened.

I was watching Mondo magic on AXN (its 12:50am) so if you watch axn right now it would still be on..anyways

There was this one trick where the guy told the viewers to spot a card from a deck of cards he shuffled infront of the screen while he was facing backwards, then he told us to place our hand on hes palm (on the screen) and then the cards randomly showed up on screen.Then when he told the viwers to remember which card you spoted frmo the deck and told us to remove your hand from the screen, then the card just appered and it was exactly what I spoted (4 of diamonds!) That freaked the shit outta my sis and me!!!!!:ashamed:
Well maybe thats becoz all the cards in his deck were 4 of diamonds or maybe he shuffled in such a way that we could only spot 4 of diamonds ! BTW I did'nt see the show so don't exactly Know wat happened but its nothing but Haath ki Safaai ! :)
that`s alright saw it first on david blaine's quite sometime ago. i dont get freaked out now. .lol

actually try catching a repeat of the show and then chk your luck ;)
^^ David Blain is the Father of modern Magicians ! Lol... he does a lot of Overacting but nonetheless His Tricks r very Neat !
DD.....i amy just hav a similar flash program doing the same thing....& me 2 couldnot countlogic there!

hopefully uploading it soon.
Talking about world popular magicians, i'm a living descendant of one.

The one called ' Gogia Pasha ' was my great grandpa, and i've got a mousepad i bought from States with a picture of him along with many other well known magicians like Murray, Virgil, Roody, Nicola, Marc 'The Prince Of Magic', George 'The Supreme Master of Magic' etc. :P
Bsaically, the only valid card you see is the 4 of diamonds. They never actually show you the deck, but when they flash it in front of you, you do see several different cards.

Now here is the trick (there may be other ways of doing it)

You see invalid cards - i.e. black diamonds and red clubs!!! The brain never manages to process them. But the 4 of diamonds is a correct card which is shown fully, and therefore sticks in your head.
^^Exactly Thats wat I said ! :) And even if somebody gets it wrong , how is it gonna matter ? Most of the people will pick the 4 of diamonds only !
one another explanation was given (read somewhere) that the card you see is slightly thicker than the rest so that when they flash the deck in front of you the thick card manages to show itself some milliseconds more than the rest, and gets noticed by our brain relatively more..
^^ There r DVD's Available in the market of all the david Blain show's ! Vertigo , magic man , frozen in time ..........etc etc etc !
there is also a market called bittrent.... you get a lot of David Blaine movies from there :P I took 2.6 GB of moves from there...
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