Free Presentations TYBSC and Computer Science Students.

Hi ,

Here giving yet another freebie for IT students.

When you are giving presentation in front of your professors and colleagues,they don't usually throw tomatoes or pound their shoes on the table in response to a boring presentation.

However they don't listen and adapt different way of protest .Unfortunately one among your audience is happens to be your professor.

Their protest later reflects in your mark sheet and you end up saying ohh shit....

I guess this is when you should really think How to make my presentation eye catchy and interesting?

Well It has helped me a lot as most of my presentations talks alot than me.:D

So i though why shouldn't i hide them from you.

Here goes some of my work.(Most of the works are done for my students and i think the best are yet to be included :hap5:)

In following presentation i have created a funny mascot to explain Phishing techniques employed by hackers.


Its better if you add some humor like below.


I made it using Microsoft Power Point and photoshop for one of my naughty student.

Later i came to know that she has got lot of good feedback and marks too .:hap2::hap2:

I would like to recommend such presentation as they let audience think whats next ?

This adds into their attention especially when they are already bombarded with traditional presentations of your colleagues.

In next presentation i tried to do things differently .

I tried to add feeling of watching a presentation and surfing through web at a same time.



This is how i managed to do this.

People like the look and feel and to add they were all giving attentions because of different look and feel .

In the next slides i used flash and photoshop together to create stunning presentation.



I have created a simple mascot in flash and let her talk throughout the presentation.

I would like to recommend it for lazy people .:p:p:p

Well I know you will come to know the truth by yourself when you try to make one in flash.......:eek:hyeah::eek:hyeah::eek:hyeah:

Few words :

Say No to FEAR

Questions like below are nightmares of most of IT students.

What if i forget something?

What if i will not able to answer the questions?

What if i appear nervous ?




What if building collides ? :)

I will say stop worrying about things that are yet to happen and start giving your level best.

Its a Question Time:

Well, i somehow managed to give a presentation. here comes the tough part .

Its like tradition. where they force you travel into black hole with questions you never thought can be asked.

To ease the process see if following helps.

1)Just try to avoid questionnaire by saying thank you all for listening ...hope you liked the presentation... and silently leave the stage.

2)If whatever said above is not applicable and the question is really tough .

Admit you don't know the answer and if possible offer to get back to the questioner with the answer (Make sure you do this (thanks to google) otherwise He/She will never forget it until the next presentation of yours :) ).

More on this will be updated as time goes by...

Customized presentation according to your need will be done as i get time.However i would like if you get the idea and build on yourself .I m here to modify it if necessary.....:)
This is great and just what i was looking for but still some questions :D

like in the professional level of presentation , are those slides still applicable ????

what if people start asking off topic questions ???? specially professors >>_<<

and the most important q: what if the presentation is in a group ?????

thanks for sharing how to do things around :D

can u plz give a link for photoshop thing as i am still a noob in using this persioues tool :p
This is great and just what i was looking for but still some questions :D

like in the professional level of presentation , are those slides still applicable ????

I might not suggest you to use it in highly proffessional presentation However for College presentation its fine.

what if people start asking off topic questions ???? specially professors >>_<<

Please make sure not to give any wrong answer .If you dont know the answer just reply them with following

"Ohhhh thats a good question (pause) right now i dont have any clue but i will definitely get back to you"

and the most important q: what if the presentation is in a group ?????

Doesn't matter as long as you perform your part better than others.

can u plz give a link for photoshop thing as i am still a noob in using this persioues tool :p

I would not suggest you any website for learning photoshop.

Instead if possible please get Lynda photoshop guide for beginners for quick learning(Video tutorial).