FS : AXP 2500+,A7N8X-E Dlx and 9600Pro

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Branch Manager
Staff member
1. CPU+Mobo : AthlonXP 2500+ Barton + Asus A7N8X-E Dlx

I'm very sure most of you people know what i have achieved on this :D on this board, 2421MHz withput voltmods. However if anyone's interested in pushing it further, i'll mod this board FOR FREE

Expected Price : Rs 8000
(shipping incl,sliiiightly negotiable :D )

2. Sapphire 9600Pro Atlantis 128MB : Comes with a black PCB and 2.8ns BGA RAM. Oces well to 530/660 from stock 398/596.

Expected Price : Rs 6000
(shipping incl,sliiiightly negotiable :D )

Reason For sale : Getting 3000+ Venice, DFI nf4 ultra and Asus 6200 128MB :)
sure....just mobo is also okay

SunMysore posted 0.82 minutes later:

but just proccy isnt....lemme make it clear :)
for the interested persons, here is a pic of all the accesories u get with the mobo :)

all sealed..havent even opened the driver cd cover.....

SunMysore posted 0.75 minutes later:

w000t!!! 1234 posts :D
Switch said:
I want the proccy... How much for that alone...

Sunny said:
sure....just mobo is also okay

SunMysore posted 0.82 minutes later:

but just proccy isnt....lemme make it clear :)


however, if just mobo sells, i'll consider the offer :)
Mobo + CPU sold...

Mods, please close this thread..

there is simply too much threads by me..i'll integrate em all into a single one :)
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