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HEHE Thats just a notation for my computer.

I m selling the following products:

1. Pentium 4 2.4Ghz Processor - Rs.3500
2. Intel 865GBF Motherboard- Rs.4000
3. Unknown Brand 256x2Ram - Rs. 2000
4. Geforce 4 440mx - Rs. 1500

Anyone who is intrested may pm me here or yahoo.
It would be better if you could specify whether your P4 2.4Ghz is a Northwood core as those tend to overclock quite a lot.
Nonetheless quite a decent price on the proc, though you may consider raising up the proc price and lowering the mobo price :)
Crazy_Eddy said:
Nonetheless quite a decent price on the proc, though you may consider raising up the proc price and lowering the mobo price :)

3.5k for the PIV 2.4 ? You serious. Just run CPU-Z and post a screenshot, I think it is a fantastic price if its a Northwood.
Well if you guys say so..

As i came to know that my processor was a Northwood Core and it demanded much more i m gonna hike the price for the proc to 5k and the mobo will be same. Take away both for rs.8.5k
no dude out of it but its in perfect working condition and is producing some good results with 49-50 fps in Half life 2 at 1024x768 at medium settings. and doom 3 runs on low and medium 800x600 without a glitch
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