FS: Nforce2, 1800+ XP ...

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I have the following components that I intend to sell, in order to make it to my next upgrade! Anyone interested can reply right here or mail me at the registered email address.

1. DFI NF2 Ultra Infinity - (Nforce2 Ultra chipset)
2. AthlonXP 1800+ (thoroughbred B, so it overclocks like a madman)
3. Transcend 333 MHz 256MB DDR memory
4. Thermaltake Silent Boost (cpu cooler)

Needless to say, all the components work just fine, as you'll find out before you buy them. I'm looking at about 7,000 for the entire package. And please don't bother haggling, I can't go lower than the specified amount.
hey are u willing to sell it seperately?

if so what cost for m/b and ram. Also does that m/b have onboard graphics?
I don't mind selling the stuff separately, but it's preferable that I get everything sold together, as I'll need to collect money for my next upgrade.
@archish, i dont think that motherboard has onboard graphics. anyway wait for the owner's reply.

check ur pm tracerbullet!

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Onboard graphics is a must for me :) or give me a good enough combo with a card in 7k [including a basic card] like gf4 mx440 or a old age gf3.
How much will a new gf4mx440 cost anyway ?
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