FS : Sapphire 9600Pro, Coolermaster Green CCFL, Voltmodded N8X Dlx

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1. Sapphire 9600Pro Atlantis 128MB DDR : nothing much to say....oced to 530/650 from 398/596.....bought from the USA, no warranty

Price : Rs 5250/-

2. Coolermaster Green CCFL : sold the blue in the other thread..this is remaining...

Price : Rs 1000/-

3. Voltmodded Asus A7N8X Deluxe
: Weell...this the mobo i modded and achieved some insane clocks on a 2500+ Barton...

This board has a few limitations :

1. Only one RAM slot works...some guys at Rashi f***ed it up when i sent it there for repair....

2. The board doesnt restart...when u select restart in the windows, it goes into a halt state....

Price : This'll be an auction. I have a reserve price in my mind, wont go below that price. If it doesnt sell, i'll gladly keep it to myself as a souvnier :D
Sunny,one advice:Lower the price on the g-card.I too had high hopes of selling my 5700 but ultimately had to settle for about 70% of the original intended price.
If you feel I'm thread-crapping,please ask the mods to delete this post,no harm done.
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