FS - White Macbook 2.4 Ghz + 2GB/160GB/X3100/Superdrive

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2.4ghz C2D

boxed + all accessories

2 months old....Under global warranty till end Sep 2009
extendable by another 2 years till the last month of warranty

Pat and Techie 007 have already expressed serious interest, but am posting it nonetheless since I need to pull the trigger on the replacement Aluminium Macbook by tomorrow (which is the reason why am selling this) and would be in trouble if the deal does not go through with them

Also, Techie wanted recent pics so posting them along

For price comparisons, the base White macbook (2.1 ghz, 1GB RAM, 120GB HDD, DVD combo) stays in the 2008-09 apple lineup at 56580 + Taxes ~ 59K in Chennai

The Apple Store (India) - Macbook
Here are the mandatory pics


On hold for Techie007
These are today's pics Techie as requested by you

and that tiny white thingie is the power brick btw :cool2:
Pat, I have been trying to reach you on your IM ID that you sent across since y'day
Can you PM me your cell # instead
Am in a bit of a rush to close this as I need to close out the MB Al decision by tomorrow
superczar said:
Pat, I have been trying to reach you on your IM ID that you sent across since y'day
Can you PM me your cell # instead
Am in a bit of a rush to close this as I need to close out the MB Al decision by tomorrow

Sorry..Just reached India yesterday..Was sleeping like hell :P
I have accepted you now...
linuxtechie said:
Hmmmm... I should start asking for commission. This dude has purchased stuff via me almost totaling 2. @techie_007 what do ya say :rofl:


:@ just cos u ve an icici account? :P I ll take the delays and use NEFT rather than pay ur commision. N wat bout the stuff you order through me :bleh: It totals a lot more ! :ohyeah:

Sorry for the OT SCZ.
hehe, NP
will be passing on the lappy to your friend after working out the logistics with him :)
And pass me his phone # na
Meanwhile, closing the thread
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