Full HD goodness, the way it's suppposed to be played!


A few days back my dad said it's time we should get a new LCD TV. After looking at a few panels we decided to go for the Samsung 46C530. :clap:

This is quite a huge upgrade from our 29" CRT TV. :D

All this while I've been playing HD movies on a measly 19" monitor. But now, I can watch it in full glory on my new 46" LCD. :D

The best part that I just love is that I can play HD movies straight from USB!! :D This is a huge advantage since I don't think I would have been able to spend on a media player like WDTV. The TV plays almost all the files I have. :D

Enough talking, here are the pics:

(Sorry for the slightly shaky pics, I was hungry when I clicked these pics. :ashamed:)

Toy Story <3

Wait it doesn't end here, there's more. :p

So we have a full HD TV, but what about the source? Wouldn't it be wonderful if that was HD too? Well, presenting the BigTV HD-DVR!! :D

As of now there is only one HD channel, National Geographic HD. It just simply looks wonderful! Even all other SD channels look much better due to HDMI. A good upgrade from the normal STB. Also the DVR allows me to record whatever I want now with its 160gb hard disk. :D

I have a few movies lined up that I hadn't watched. It'll be fun watching them on my new TV now. :clap:

Oops, almost forgot the damages, I got the panel for Rs.75,500.
Thank you everyone. :D

Yes the BigTV logo is very shitty. I don't like their menu interface as well. Also, their stupid promotional offers pop up once in a while which covers the whole damn screen. :mad:

Sandeepbg said:
Congrats .. happy gaming :clap::clap:
Sadly I don't have any PS3 or XBOX360. Anyone willing to gift me one? :p