Monitors Full HD Monitor Vs 1680X1050 monitor

I am having a VX 2235WM 22" LCD monitor which has a maximum resolution of 1680 x1050 @ 60Hz
As i spend long hours on this monitor for Excel files & Stock market related screens, should i move to a 24" Full HD LCD Monitor ?
I have a Palit 512MB 4870 GPU & will it be able to give the output to a 24" 1920x1080 monitor ?
Will this upgrade ease the strain on my yes or there will no visible difference ?

Thanks for advising
The extra real estate helps. More so if you view the documents in portrait mode. And chuck 16:9 format displays and get yourself a display with a 16:10 aspect ratio. i.e 1920 x 1200. Your card can easily drive the display.
Desecrator said:
The extra real estate helps. More so if you view the documents in portrait mode. And chuck 16:9 format displays and get yourself a display with a 16:10 aspect ratio. i.e 1920 x 1200. Your card can easily drive the display.

I am used to landscape mode only

Which are the recommended monitors with 16:10 aspect ratio in 24" VFM

Thanks for advising
For reading Excels etc there isnt going to be much of difference be it 1680 x1050 or 1920x1080 or the refresh frequency that you pointed out.

What really helps is the Portrait mode in 16:10 monitors since you dont have to scroll much AFAIK.
The ones i knw of are
Dell 2209wa ~15Kish , Now EOL i think
Dell u2410 ~ 28Kish

If you are going to use the Landscape mode itself then i dont see why you need to upgrade from current monitor setup.
Buy an extra 22"hd monitor for 9k and and connect both of them, Lots of real estate :) , your GPU can easily handle both monitors or you may get a better monitor, IPS panel ones ~13k.
Personally I work a ton with Excel and wide screens (read more real estate) make it easier. More columns are visible, and tiny cells look larger. Most of the above suggestions make good sense. Go for two monitors only if you want specific applications running side by side and find it painful to always alt+tab between them. Example: Outlook/mail is running on the left, and on the right could be your analytical tools. Getting a full HD wide monitor will give less strain, and more pleasant to look at. Less scrolling.

You GPU can handle the content, just gaming wise it might be a problem.
Eyestrain is aggravated by smaller dot pitch, which is exactly what you get from moving to a higher resolution in a slightly larger screen.

First, try turning the brightness down to the point that it doesn't hurt your eyes to look at in a dark room. Brightness settings on most monitors is too high at default.

If it doesn't help, see an ophthalmologist before you change hardware. Your eyes need to be checked thoroughly if you are facing difficulties with computer monitors - safety first.

If it helps, I use a 2560x monitor and have to sometimes resize windows so webpages or documents appear in portrait mode. Makes it much easier to read specially for webpages that don't restrict text within a limited pixel width.

IMO moving your eyes from side to side is more stressful than up and down, also because vertical resolution is less than horizontal resolution. Our eyes are not very good at coping with movement without assistance from the head and neck, which is why men get caught ogling.

Frankly, 22" is not that wide - though I strongly suspect the eyestrain has more to do with the monitor than anything else. I owned the exact same monitor and it was a pretty poor performer at its extremities, I got rid of it in a few months because my eyes were giving out.
Yes, true about the dot pitch. I remember working on a laptop for a week at office. It had this insanely high resolution but the monitor size was tiny. It hurt my eyes, and had to decrease the resolution. Some DELL machine.
cranky said:
Eyestrain is aggravated by smaller dot pitch, which is exactly what you get from moving to a higher resolution in a slightly larger screen.

First, try turning the brightness down to the point that it doesn't hurt your eyes to look at in a dark room. Brightness settings on most monitors is too high at default.

If it doesn't help, see an ophthalmologist before you change hardware. Your eyes need to be checked thoroughly if you are facing difficulties with computer monitors - safety first.

If it helps, I use a 2560x monitor and have to sometimes resize windows so webpages or documents appear in portrait mode. Makes it much easier to read specially for webpages that don't restrict text within a limited pixel width.

IMO moving your eyes from side to side is more stressful than up and down, also because vertical resolution is less than horizontal resolution. Our eyes are not very good at coping with movement without assistance from the head and neck, which is why men get caught ogling.

Frankly, 22" is not that wide - though I strongly suspect the eyestrain has more to do with the monitor than anything else. I owned the exact same monitor and it was a pretty poor performer at its extremities, I got rid of it in a few months because my eyes were giving out.

Presently I don't have any eye strain, but i was just trying to be careful so that it doesn't develop.

I have no idea about using 2 monitors. Any good reference site link will be appreciated on how to install & use 2 monitors simultaneously effectively

For example I would like my broker terminal on monitor 1 full screen & my analytical software screen on the 2nd monitor full screen

Is this possible ?

Thanks for advising
Yes definitely. Windows is easy to set up without any special software for multiple desktops. all the way back to Win98. Simply plug in the second monitor and reboot, Windows will automatically detect the second monitor and you have to choose between cloning and extending the desktop, then you just drag the application windows where you want them.
Thanks for the advise

Let me see if i can rearrange my desktop & Bank balance to accommodate 2 monitors

Any member using 2 monitor setup for business purposes ?
I have been to some trading forums and standard recommendation for trading were usually 2 monitor setup(much like in the same way you want it). No need to worry about the technicality of 2 monitor setup, people are using since ages.