Budget 0-20k Gaming on 1600x900 - share your components and FPS


Brutally Honest
I have a 900p monitor.
Need processor and video card.
Primary for gaming. BF, COD, Thief, Crysis, Metro etc etc. I play all sorts of games except sports and AC.
I don't mind using older components like the first gen Core i family, Phenom II X4, DX10/DX11 cards etc just to name a few. As long as they give better performance/price than the newer models. And yeah I'm fine with buying 2nd hand components.
I was thinking of HD6670 DDR5. While I know that this card will run the lesser-graphics intensive games I'm not sure how it will do on AAA games. I want minimum 30 fps at high.
I'm also looking into HD5770/HD6770/HD6790 etc. My budget might not cross HD6850 so budget is a little strict though not fixed. Reviewers don't usually use 1600x900 so its difficult finding the right reviews for these components and I'll be playing on 1600x900 only.
So if anyone of you are gaming on 1600x900 or higher let me know your components, the fps, the games and also the settings. Remember my requirements are components for 1600x900 gaming.
I have a core 2 duo (E8400) with ddr3 mobo setup, 6gb ddr3 1333mhz ram, with HD6790. I use a 1440x900 monitor.

This plays games like crysis 3 on medium-high pretty well.
(I dont game much so cant really say much but should give you an idea)

Hope this helps. :)

Oh... I realize now... The proccy n mobo was bought from you!! :p
E8400+HD6790 running Crysis 3 on mid-high on 1440*900. That's nice but can you check the avg fps it gives and details like shadow, AA etc?
Because I checked a review of the GTX760 on TPU and on 1600*900 high with 4x AA Crysis 3 gave an avg fps of 39 only. My hopes of thinking that lower models would also play nice fell after reading the review. Made worse by my limited budget. Sigh.

but hey thanks for the reply. It helps. I now have some ideas of what I might need.
I dont get much time to game. But will try to give you more details whenever I happen to turn on the PC.

The 760 is a very good gpu, 39 fps at that res is low I guess. :/
I thought we had a "Price updates from Nehru Place" thread. Where has it disappeared? :S
Need to ask something.

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