Gaming rig (45-50k)


Hi, I have gathered some odd 45k to finally buy a pc. Suggest me a gaming pc rig around 45-50k.

This is what I have chalked out. Any kind of addition/suggestion would be helpful.

Processor :Intel i5-2500k-------------------------= 11,000

Motherboard Intel DH67BL(B3)------------------ = 5275

RAM Corsair 4GB DDRIII 1333MHz x2 = 1025x2-=2050

HDD Seagate 1TB 7200.12 -------------------------=5000

Monitor Benq G2220HD ------------------------------=7200

Cabinet NZXT Gamma--------------------------------= 2300

PSU Seasonic S12II 520w----------------------------= 3500

ODD Samsung 22X SATA DVD-----------------------= 900

Keyboard n Mouse: Razer Cyclosa Bundle ---------2000

GPU: SAPPHIRE HD 6850 1GB GDDR5------------=9500

Speakers: Altec Lansing 2.1 VS2621 --------------=1650


Total= 50,375/-

Now having chalking out this rig, I would like to know if the chosen GPU would be a must-buy or would any cheaper GPUs available to give me a similar performance. I built this rig scavenging throughout the forum and didnt look at the date. Are these the present prices of the components?

I am totally new to B'lore. Would be immensely helpful if I could get a few shops in Bangalore where the parts could be bought at a reasonable price.

Thanks in advance.
Here's what i would suggest-

CPU-Intel i5 2320-9.5k or i5 2400-10.5k

Mobo-Intel DH67BL(B3)-5.5k

RAM-Corsair XMS3 2X2GB DDR3 1333MHz-1.5k OR Gskill Ripjaws 2X2GB DDR3 1333MHz-1.6k

HDD-Seagate 1TB 7200rpm-6k

GPU-Sapphire/Msi Cyclone HD6870-11k[This is at least you'd get if you want to play games on full HD] OR Msi Twin Frozrii GTX560ti-14k[For better FPS in gaming]

PSU Seasonic S12II 520w-3.5k

Case-NZXT Gamma-2.4k

Keyboard n Mouse-Razer Cyclosa Bundle-2k

Speakers-Altec Lansing 2.1 VS262-1.6k

ODD-Samsung OR Asus Dvd R-W-1k

MONITOR-Benq G2220HD-7.2k

There's no need to get i5 2500k if you're not going to overclock,if you are going to overclock then get Asus Maximus IV GENE-Z-12.7k OR any other Z68 chipset with 2500K proccy.

Hope this helps.
Hi, I have gathered some odd 45k to finally buy a pc. Suggest me a gaming pc rig around 45-50k.

This is what I have chalked out. Any kind of addition/suggestion would be helpful.

Processor :Intel i5-2500k-------------------------= 11,000

Motherboard Intel DH67BL(B3)------------------ = 5275

RAM Corsair 4GB DDRIII 1333MHz x2 = 1025x2-=2050

HDD Seagate 1TB 7200.12 -------------------------=5000

Monitor Benq G2220HD ------------------------------=7200

Cabinet NZXT Gamma--------------------------------= 2300

PSU Seasonic S12II 520w----------------------------= 3500

ODD Samsung 22X SATA DVD-----------------------= 900

Keyboard n Mouse: Razer Cyclosa Bundle ---------2000

GPU: SAPPHIRE HD 6850 1GB GDDR5------------=9500

Speakers: Altec Lansing 2.1 VS2621 --------------=1650


Total= 50,375/-

Now having chalking out this rig, I would like to know if the chosen GPU would be a must-buy or would any cheaper GPUs available to give me a similar performance. I built this rig scavenging throughout the forum and didnt look at the date. Are these the present prices of the components?

I am totally new to B'lore. Would be immensely helpful if I could get a few shops in Bangalore where the parts could be bought at a reasonable price.

Thanks in advance.

Use this template while asking for a PC build --

The current issue is your RIG build doesn't talk whether you want to over-clock OR not, will you use it only for gaming.

What is your budget?

So please Edit your first post #kdogg and follow the template that has been provided on the link.

Also, for shops in Bangalore, the go to place is S.P. Road and the following shops are reliable --

1) Golccha Computers [can be rude and pricey]

2) Aashirwaad Computers

3) Jainex Computers

Hope this helps, Cheers!!
Hey All,

#Jakob: Thanks for your prompt reply.

#ALPHA17: My bad, should have gone through the start-up/guidelines threads before posting this one. The format is actually quite helpful voicing what I really want.

  • Q: What is your budget?
    • 50K
  • Q: What is your existing hardware configuration
[font=arial, sans-serif]

  • Q: Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
[font=arial, sans-serif]

  • Q: Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name).

  • Have made a config but would like your help on selecting a better config
  • Processor :Intel i5-2500k
  • Motherboard Intel DH67BL(B3)
  • RAM Corsair 4GB DDRIII 1333MHz x2
  • HDD Seagate 1TB 7200.12
  • Monitor Benq G2220HD
  • Cabinet NZXT Gamma
  • PSU Seasonic S12II 520w
  • ODD Samsung 22X SATA DVD
  • Keyboard n Mouse: Razer Cyclosa Bundle
  • Speakers: Altec Lansing 2.1 VS2621
  • Q: Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component

    • Yes, a better GPU and keyboard/mouse

    • Q: Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)

    • Bangalore
    • Open to online purchase
  • Q: Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
    • No
  • Q: What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
    • Gaming
    • Browsing
    • Download rig, 24x7 operation
    • Watching HD movies
  • Q: Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
    • Unsure about ASUS. Might change my mind if I am convinced.
  • Q: If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
    • Strategy - Civilization 4
    • Racing - NFS at high settings
    • FIFA
    • FPS- CS
  • Q: What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
[font=arial, sans-serif]

Would like to hear your take on this. [/font]
  • Q: Are you looking to overclock?
    • Yes but I am not sure how to go about it. Guess this is gonna be the first thing I am gonna ask suggestion on after I buy the system.
  • Q: Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
    • Windows 7 64 bit
#kdogg, you cannot over-clock a -k marked processor on a H67 chipset based motherboard, you'll need to invest in a compatible P67 OR Z68 based motherboard for stable and hassle free over-clocking.

For the rest I will suggest the following configuration --

Intel Core i5 2500 ~12500/-

Intel DH67-BL ~5800/-

G.Skill RIPJAWS 4GB x 2 1600MHz modules ~3400/-

Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 500GB ~4000/- [prices are really high now due to last years flood in Thailand, by April prices are expected to normalise]

nVidia GTX 560 [non Ti] ~10500/- [better wait for AMD HD 78** series to come mid-March they will drive down current graphics card prices down especially nVidia as they have no response to the current R7000 from AMD]

Samsung / LG OEM DVD drive ~1000/-

Seasonic S12II 520W ~3500/-

NZXT Gamma ~2600/-

Dell ST2220L ~8300/-

Razer Cyclosa bundle ~2500/- OR Logitech G300 / G400 and TVS Gold mechanical keyboard ~1500/- + 1200/-

Hope this helps, Cheers!!
I think H67 board doesn't support 1600MHz RAM.

Better to go for 1333Mhz module and save some bucks.

Even P67 chipset doesn't support 1600MHz memory modules natively



, all 1600MHz RAM down-clock too ~1370MHz, it is only after increment over-volting and BIOS changes that 1600MHz RAM modules can be tweaked to run @1600MHz, also here are some interesting articles on the same -->

http://www.xbitlabs....ridge-ddr3.html / http://www.anandtech...g-the-best-ddr3.

Hope this clarifies the topic, Cheers!!
man I dont think getting 6870 is absolute necessary to play at full hd, BF3 on my PC runs smoothly, and I have not even started to overclock(GPU) so I have plenty of power at disposal
7850 will be around 15k or so, so prices of current cards won't be affected. And it is stupid to wait 2 months to save 1000 bucks on a hdd.

Get a gtx 560 ti, future games won't run on full hd with anything less than a 6950 2gb anyway, so get the best you can. Try to go for a 6950 1 gb if possible.
Given my budget restriction, do u guys think its best to not to buy a GPU atm? I can invest some of that amount in buying a better mobo and processor. If I wait for a month, I can churn out a substantial amount to go for one of the better GPUs..the 78** series would be available in the market by that time too.

What mobo and processor i should go for in that case given that the budget for buying those two would now stand around 20k?

p.s. I am a bit iffy about ASUS products..
for your 20k budget and rig, i5-2500 is minimum you should buy, now whether k or non-k,depends on budget of your mb, with i5-2500k sells for 12500, that leaves you with 7500 for mb, which I dont think you will be able to buy a (decent)p67 or z68 mb in that price

So either you extend your budget by 4-5k, or settle down with the trusted combo of i5-2500(non-k)+Intel DH67BL

p.s k=overclockable non-k=non overclockable
Given my budget restriction, do u guys think its best to not to buy a GPU atm?

What mobo and processor i should go for in that case given that the budget for buying those two would now stand around 20k?

p.s. I am a bit iffy about ASUS products..

If you are confident that you can live without a discrete GPU for a month OR so, then yes invest in a better CPU + motherboard.

As you also mentioned, you want the option to over-clock your system, this is what I will suggest --

Intel Core i5 2500k ~13500/-

ASUS P8Z68M-PRO ~8900/-

[rest configuration same as earlier]

The problem with your options is that ASUS motherboard have a genuinely better interface in the form of an UEFI setup as compared to Gigabyte / MSis' Hybrid BIOS, for more clarity on this subject --

UEFI reviews -- /

Gigabyte / MSis' Hybrid BIOS explained -- /

Hope this helps, Cheers!!
If you are confident that you can live without a discrete GPU for a month OR so, then yes invest in a better CPU + motherboard.

As you also mentioned, you want the option to over-clock your system, this is what I will suggest --

Intel Core i5 2500k ~13500/-

ASUS P8Z68M-PRO ~8900/-

[rest configuration same as earlier]

The problem with your options is that ASUS motherboard have a genuinely better interface in the form of an UEFI setup as compared to Gigabyte / MSis' Hybrid BIOS, for more clarity on this subject --

UEFI reviews --

http://www.neoseeker...asus_uefi_bios/ / http://www.hardwares...-Really-Is/1385.

Gigabyte / MSis' Hybrid BIOS explained -- / http://www.hardocp.c...rboard_review/3.

Hope this helps, Cheers!!

seriously the IGP on intel is horrible.. you can watch movies but that is the extent of that.. playing civilization and fifa are out of the question.... MSI has several z68 mobos within 9k.. so for 20k you could go for the 2500 and z68 combo.. however if you want to play using the IGP, AMD is miles ahead of intel in that area.. And that further coupled with the reduced BD prices they are very VFM
seriously the IGP on intel is horrible.. you can watch movies but that is the extent of that.. playing civilization and fifa are out of the question.... MSI has several z68 mobos within 9k.. so for 20k you could go for the 2500 and z68 combo.. however if you want to play using the IGP, AMD is miles ahead of intel in that area.. And that further coupled with the reduced BD prices they are very VFM

Will not ask anybody to go for AMD RIG's, face it BullDozer has been like Duke Nuke'Em last year, over-hyped and underwhelming. Also the older Phenom IIx6's are better multi-tasking builds.

No consistency in its performance, OP is better of with the Core i5 2500k and HD 3000 IGP for a month, than with a BullDozer based PC for ~2 -- 3 years.
Will not ask anybody to go for AMD RIG's, face it BullDozer has been like Duke Nuke'Em last year, over-hyped and underwhelming. Also the older Phenom IIx6's are better multi-tasking builds.

No consistency in its performance, OP is better of with the Core i5 2500k and HD 3000 IGP for a month, than with a BullDozer based PC for ~2 -- 3 years.

awesomely put duke
but seriously i was just letting the OP know how bad the intel IGP is.. it is seriously underwhelming in any game... however dude a $185(approx 9.5k) FX8150 is an absolute smasher!!
awesomely put duke
but seriously i was just letting the OP know how bad the intel IGP is.. it is seriously underwhelming in any game... however dude a $185(approx 9.5k) FX8150 is an absolute smasher!!

and what will you smash with 8 cores that u have on gaming front?? nothing???

Hmmm.. its only a very few titles ever demand 4 cores of the processor while might un-likely be a rarity anymore. but still an 8 core processor which isnt stable is an overkill and can u might eventually smash urself for buying it.
Thanks for all the suggestions and comments..was really helpful in sorting out the rig...gonna go with this mobo+proc combo:

[font=arial, sans-serif]Intel Core i5 2500[/font]k [font=arial, sans-serif]~13500/-[/font]

[font=arial, sans-serif]ASUS P8Z68M-PRO ~8900/- [/font]

So i just called up few shops at SP Road to ask for quotations and stuff and I came to know that NZXT Gamma is out of stock at several places. Could you suggest me another equivalent cabinet around 3k. Also, I realized that the prices of different parts vary from shop to shop, like the processor in jainex is cheaper than mahaveer but the price of monitor is cheaper in mahaveer than jainex. So, will be wise to buy different stuff from different shops? and i if do so, are they gonna assemble all the stuff ?

2nd question: Seasonic S12II 520w is not available in some shops instead they are offering me the 650 one. Is the 650 one, really needed? or shall i wait it out/buy from flipkart

3rd question: After much thinking, finally decided to go for the Dell Ultrasharp U2311H instead of Benq G2220HD. Is this the right decision. The shopkeeper told me that the Dell ultrasharp is better coz they have dell 24inch monitor which are priced less than the ultrasharp version.

Was stuck up with work the last week. Going tomorrow with one of the local guys to SP Road. Will update the forum with the purchases i made

So i just called up few shops at SP Road to ask for quotations and stuff and I came to know that NZXT Gamma is out of stock at several places. Could you suggest me another equivalent cabinet around 3k. Also, I realized that the prices of different parts vary from shop to shop, like the processor in jainex is cheaper than mahaveer but the price of monitor is cheaper in mahaveer than jainex. So, will be wise to buy different stuff from different shops? and i if do so, are they gonna assemble all the stuff ?

2nd question: Seasonic S12II 520w is not available in some shops instead they are offering me the 650 one. Is the 650 one, really needed? or shall i wait it out/buy from flipkart

Which 650W SMPS are you talking about?

I think the shop guys might be offering you the Corsair TX V2 650W ~5000/-

I think it is best if you purchase the SMPS from

3rd question: After much thinking, finally decided to go for the Dell Ultrasharp U2311H instead of Benq G2220HD. Is this the right decision. The shopkeeper told me that the Dell ultrasharp is better coz they have dell 24inch monitor which are priced less than the ultrasharp version.

The Dell Ultrasharps are professional grade monitors, they use a eIPS panel instead of the regular TN panels [for more on this --> /], this translates to better viewing angles and good colour gamut. So even if you go for the Dell ST2220L will be fine, but once you go for the Ultrasharp reverting to TN based monitors can be a little disconcerting.

Was stuck up with work the last week. Going tomorrow with one of the local guys to SP Road. Will update the forum with the purchases i made

Hope this helps, Cheers!!