PC Peripherals Gaming Rig for 65K



i want to buy a new gaming rig for 65 k.

i am from hyderabad india, can also buy from chennai ( i study there )

please adviece me what will be the best buy.( prices of each componenet )

i am gonna buy it around may or june.

PS.: it should contain 300 gb hard disk.

it should have good monitor.

No sli needed( i think it will make it costly)

good processor needed( AMD dual core if possible)

GFX card should be preferably under 20k.


sorry for posting it seocind time

how do i delete it
Hi Felicis and Welcome to TE :D.

AMD Opteron 165 - 15K (?)

Asus A8NE - 5K

Transcend UCCC RAM 1 Gb- 4K

Seagate/WD 300 Gb - 6.3K

Cabby (??)

Sound blaster 24 bit - 1.6K

Samsung 17" FLAT CRT 7.7K

benq 1650 - 2.6K

Speakers(??) - Altec Lansing MX 5021/Logtech 5300 -7.6K/13K

Antec SP 450W - 4K

Graphics Card - 6800 GS/7600GT

Around the 65K Mark :).

As u'll be buying stuff in May/June the prices shud go down still and u cud have a better rig than the one above mentioned by me :)

Ur buying the rig in may so it wud be better to ask the prices at around that time as the prices in around 2 months will be lesser :).

Just my 2 cents, let the other eksperts at TE answer ur queries and make the situation more clearer :).

@mohit: my bad, thanks for pointing that out :).
thanx for the quick reply

but is opetron good or athlon good

i think most of the gaming rigs are based on athlon 64 so i think i would like to go with athlon 64( dual core if possible)

and i need a new gfx card say some thing like 7600 gt.

thanx in advance

I think the Opty 165 is a S939 processor and Asus K8N4-E-Deluxe is a S754 mobo. How can they run together ???

and I dont understand why are u recommending him a board with a PCI-E architecture and then pointing towards your AGP 6800 Ultra ??
FOR 65k ..go for this IMHO,

AMD Athlon 64 3200+ - 7k
Asus A8N-E - 5.5k
512*2 Transcend Samsung UCCC DDR 400 -4.8k
Seagate 300GB - 6K (approx)
Antec SP2.0 500W PSU - 5k
Leadtek 7600GT - 15k
17" Samsung CRT Syncmaster MB2 - 7k
Sony DVD-RW - 3k
Altec Lansing VS3151R or Creative Inspire 5200 - 5-6k

Total comes to around : 60k

rest you can spend on stuff like cabinet,keyboard,mouse, extra optical drive etc.
no dont go for am2 have no tht much performance increase over 939 .. 939 good enuff for next 2 or more years.
plus intial am2 release .. nah i wont recommend.