Git Gets Demystified and Subversion Control

Summary: Distributed version control systems (DVCSs) offer a number of advantages over centralized VCSs, and for Subversion users looking to explore this model, Git is a great place to start. Using Subversion as a baseline, this first of two articles shows how to install Git, set up a remote repository, and begin using basic Git commands.

Would recommend a read: Git for Subversion users, Part 1: Getting started

I on my part love GIT, but sigh the corporate world :mad:!

hammerhead said:
Huh, what exactly is different in Git? I use tortoise SVN in my office.

Hmmm first thing, yup apart from being a VCS, its a distributed one unlike svn and that makes it a real beauty. For my own usage, I end up doing a combination of Perforce + CVS to behave in a crude manner what git does. So yeah git is much better than SVN.

I would suggest going through the rant of Torvalds as why he wrote GIT. I believe he gave the rant at Google in front of all the techies and made them feel wimpy about there usage of SVN. Thats an excellent video.

linuxtechie said:
I would suggest going through the rant of Torvalds as why he wrote GIT. I believe he gave the rant at Google in front of all the techies and made them feel wimpy about there usage of SVN. Thats an excellent video.

heh, is this the video with the rant? :D


Linus Torvalds visits Google to share his thoughts on git, the source control management system he created two years ago.