NVIDIA and OCWORKBENCH brings you another freebie for the Chinese new year. WE are giving away 4 pieces of ASUS EN7600GT in this month. 1 piece per week! (15 Jan - 11 Feb).
To participate, introduce a new friend, accumulate 20 posts (in any sections of the forum) and answer two simple questions in the forum.
1. Tell us why you want the free gift and how do you intend to use it.
2. Why is the 7600GT better value than the other cards?
3. Userid of your new introduced friend who signed up to this forum.
Please post your entry in this thread.
* This contest is opened to international readers, free shipping.
Chinese New Year Give away 4 piece of ASUS EN7600GT - [url]http://forums.ocworkbench.com (超网论å›)[/url]