GMail P2P Service


Well, it was bound to happen, sooner or later. GMail's generous capacity and bandwidth was already being used as a GMail Drive and now it is being used as a P2P sharing service. All you have to do is register at the G2G site and provide a GMail account (preferably a new one). You can download files shared by other users. To upload you have to log in to your GMail account or just use GMail Drive.I wonder how long this will survive before Google puts its foot down!

here's the link to g2g exchange

source - osnn
Nice find, dip. I wonder how this program shapes up.

With Google's aggressive market takeover in play, all they need to do is pick this up and they'll have a (soon-to-be dominating?) presence on yet another front: file-sharing.
hmm interesting. maybe google will block these type of apps soon

i downloaded few files and a good leeaching application,love google speed :)
great find man btw i dont think google will ban these kind of app since its bringing them more and more users they will be just more than happy
Yes, but then google will be liable for the users activities. ISPs are legally bound to remove any illegal/pirated materials from their servers, and if they make a business of piracy the courts will kill em.
KingKrool said:
Yes, but then google will be liable for the users activities. ISPs are legally bound to remove any illegal/pirated materials from their servers, and if they make a business of piracy the courts will kill em.

Google like any other company is anyway liable for its users' activities. For example, do you have any idea how many mp3 files I have sitting in my inbox? If I want to send a song to a friend, I no longer use the traditional over-IM approach. Now I simply mail it across, using gmail. And I receive music likewise.

Though, I understand that standing centre-stage and yelling it out for everyone to hear might not be the best thing to do.
yup, it's back for good.
0.7 online & bandwidth problems
I never expected G2G to get so popular so soon and I've got the cheapest package from hoster I've upgraded now to a packet with more bandwidth. Let's see how that's holding up.
new msg on tht site:

I'm sorry but G2G Share is now closed.
Google has let me know that this website is against their policy and I don't want any problems with Google.

Rest in peace G2G​