Linux GNUWin - open source software for windows

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GNUWin is a collection of free software for ... uh ... a not so open source operating system (guess?). It is a downloadable ISO image which includes games, office software, development tools, and the lot. All the software is not just freeware, but free and open source software. Apart from software, it also contains articles about free software, and online help to get you started.

For a complete list of software available, please check this.
Yep it is for windows, most of the software is available for other platforms like linux too ... but this particular CD has windows software ;)
Yo...ujjwal..its a gr8 collection for windows users.
btw, I got this -
Software Patents kill Innovation
and this -
GNUWin II is not maintained anymore! All information on this pages might be outdated and/or inacurate. We recommend you to get the latest version of the presented software on their respective home pages
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