Good Ethernet Router with USB Port


Hello Gentlemen,

I currently have a D-Link DIR-600L - had it for just over a year now & Absolutely No Problems yet.

I mostly access the internet through my Nexus 4 & also watch movies/tv shows etc on the Nexus,
Just a few months ago i discovered how to a access my PC & stream content wirelessly off my 3TB External Harddrive over Wi-Fi through ES Explorer.

While, that's Great! The only drawback for now is that i have to keep my pc ON for this.
I see that there are Routers to which i can connect my External HD to directly & so:

that's ^ what i'd like to have now, pls suggest one is the range of max ~3k (preferably in the 1.5-2k range):D

My ISP has torrent cacheing so i usually get around 5~6 mbps download speed if i'm downloading a torrent on my PC.

I also have the uTorrent app on my phone & i get speeds upto ~2mbps on the Nexus 4.

Q2. Is this due to the phone's wifi receiver's speed limitations or the transmitting speed cap of the router?
If the latter then will a diff/better/faster router solve the issue¿

Pls forgive me for the nood questions, i am a slight novice at this therefore require your help.

Cheers - VJ