Linux Good listing of linux software

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Aces170 said:
Nice listing. Btw UNIX inform me if you are installing Ubuntu
I once tried installing Ubuntu...
but cud only run that in shell mode (no GUI) :(
I think thats due to lack of hardware support....

why don u try using the ubuntu live CD instead...
just to see if it works..:P
Sure it will be shortly. Nowi I installed Mandrake 10.1 and i don't like it bcoz it is very easy and no pain for brain. :P but Mandrake is best for newbies, fantastic distro i agree :) Now i will try Suse and then Ubuntu. I don't have space left on HDD since i download many big files. so after i install the distro i wipe out and install another while sticking to my old Fedora ,:P

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