Windows Good practise to clear windows pagefile @ shutdown

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Just wanted to share this.

Its better to clear pagefile.sys at system shutdown.

"Some third-party programs can temporarily store unencrypted (plain-text) passwords or other sensitive information in memory. Because of the Windows virtual memory architecture, this information can be present in the paging file.

Although clearing the paging file is not a suitable substitute for physical security of a computer, you might want to do this to increase the security of data on a computer while Windows is not running."

Works on Win XP/ Vista/ 7/ server 2k8 (all os 32/64 bit)


Start Regedit
  1. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management
  2. Select ClearPageFileAtShutdown from the list on the right.
  3. Right on it and select Modify.
  4. If the value does not exist, add the following value:
    Value Name: ClearPageFileAtShutdown
    Value Type: REG_DWORD
    Value: 1
  5. Change the value to 1 to enable.
  6. Reboot your computer.

I know many of you out there wont be using any pagefile due to ample of ram but this is for those who still use it and has it. Other may ignore the post.
what about hiberfile.sys?
A really good solution for this is to use bitlocker or encrypted file system.
For that you need to disable hibernation completely and or manually trigger registry to get rid of it until you again enable hibernation.
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