Google copying Yahoo!

Wow...this is definitely not expected from could be that both just coincidently picked the same layout but the chance of that happening are like 1 out of a 1000.
^No ways! MS does provide the relevant data but providing the web template to the web-giants itself doesnt make any sense.

Plus if u would check it now, Googs have modified the look somewhat. vv

Download Internet Explorer 7 optimized for Google

Maybe Google did rip it off blindly or maybe it is Yahoo! who made the snatch but it does not comply with my puny little reasoning machine that the organization with world-class researchers and developers would have to plagiarize a single page like this.
Well, the screenshot there is classic yahoo style... I have a feeling that is a standard MS template, which you modify as you please.

In any case, all we have are screenshots, and I don't trust screenshots uploaded by some random blogger.
cant believe that google have optimised IE7... Its nice to do that... but seems MS made the designs for both the companies... as its their product!! Either ways google has contributed to Mozilla for firefox. So this seems a little out of the picture!
This is an old story... apparently, Yahoo was copied on this occasion by some lazy ass designer at Google (must have been fired by now lol).