Google Nexus 14

Damages ?

I inquired about purchasing a 16gb one from USA and got to know that they do charge 25$ as tax and the pricing was coming to around 300$.
8gb for 15.2k from indiatimes
16gb from Stapes US for $249 + 14.94 tax

I bought from indiatimes (via Cart2India) 7 weeks back and they took 3 weeks to deliver, they've been taking awfully long nowadays from what I've heard, I'd recommend against buying from cart2india if you want it within a month.
8gb for 15.2k from indiatimes
16gb from Stapes US for $249 + 14.94 tax

I bought from indiatimes (via Cart2India) 7 weeks back and they took 3 weeks to deliver, they've been taking awfully long nowadays from what I've heard, I'd recommend against buying from cart2india if you want it within a month.

Hmmm,i would probably wait untill this has been released offically in india
I need a quick delivery :p
how many days it tack for delivery and what is the local courier

please infrom me which local couries times of india uses to ship the product of nexus 7 it is rel:(:(:(able

16GB + 8GB


8gb for 15.2k from indiatimes
16gb from Stapes US for $249 + 14.94 tax

I bought from indiatimes (via Cart2India) 7 weeks back and they took 3 weeks to deliver, they've been taking awfully long nowadays from what I've heard, I'd recommend against buying from cart2india if you want it within a month.
please infrom me which local couries times of india uses to ship the product of nexus 7 it is rel:(:(:(able
Local courier was TNT, but procurement and shipment of the Nexus 7 was done by Cart2India and not indiatimes, It would probably be different for other products.