Google Summer of Code 2011

Not a showoff in the traditional sense, but WTH, its GSOC!!!:eek:hyeah:

You'll be seeing some of my code in VLC 1.2.0:eek:hyeah::eek:hyeah:
Thanks guys...

Arun1 said:
Awesome dude

Mind sharing your experience on how you went about getting in,would be really helpful :)

I'll do a writeup after my exams end..

Though there isnt any specific way to get in, I'll describe the process I followed

asingh said:
Congratulations. Though could you tell us, what this actually means..?
Its a program run and sponsored by Google where college students work with Opensource organisations over the summer, and get a stipend for the work.

I'll be working with VideoLAN on improving their HTTP interface (The one used by various VLC mobile control applications)

(A description in Google's words: Student applications now being accepted for Google Summer of Code - Google Open Source Blog )

btw, anyone on TE in the 13-18 age group and going to school??

Google has a similar program for them too (on a smaller scale) called Google Code In
That's pretty cool, congrats. I actually use VLC Remote on my tablet, that makes use of VLC's HTTP interface to control the player. Pretty interesting, but at its nascent stages.

Thank you for the nice explanation. Great learning experience this will be. Happy coding/development.