Google's Person Finder app tracks the missing in Uttarakhand floods

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Google has launched its 'Person Finder' application in India to help offer information on missing people in flood-affected areas in the country, including Uttarakhand.
Google Person Finder is a web application that allows individuals to post and search for the status of relatives or friends affected by a disaster, Google said in a blogpost. The Google Person Finder for 2013 Uttrakhand Floods is available at Google

...Please share.
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Just pray that it don't get flooded with spams, at which Indians are THE BEST
how it works, if they don`t have cell phones or anything with them ? and without the network ?
There are still some centres where Internet is accessible. You can either list yourself or someone you're with, or you can also put in a missing persons report. It's crowd-sourced search of real people, although its success depends on how many actually use the service.
Thanks @mk76 for sharing this... I came to know about the link a few minutes ago from a office friend and I was about to open a thread here but you already did it.
A sincere request to all members that if you know about people from your neighborhood / office / society who are missing or have not reported from uttarakhand about their well being please post their information with proper contact details. The site uses captcha to protect from spam but most novice users are not able to understand captch or many cannot use internet.
Help such who are looking for some missing people by helping them to upload necessary information.
Few lists of people are also available at RudraPrayag site.....
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