Monitors Got some LCD Monitors offers | Are they worth buying?

I just purchased the 22" Benq monitor for 6890 (free shipping) after getting further Rs. 1000 discount with the Citibank coupon.

Looks like a sweet deal.
The Fujitsu and Acer models do not have DVI inputs AFAIK. I think you should be getting something else which offers DVI inputs at that price point. Dell has a couple of models.
saqib_khan said:
@OP; the BenQ model which you mentioned in your post have just 1 year warranty. Thats strange, because mostly LCDs have 3 years warranty.

I just spoke to the buyer after getting his contact no. in my email as I have already ordered it. He said that he put 1 year warranty by mistake and its actually 3 year company warranty. His internet wasn't working or something so he hasn't been able to update it. If you want to be extra-safe maybe you can wait for the listing to update.

Following is the contact in case anyone needs it:

Seller: bestquality_lowestprice
Shashi Bala
Why so big drop in 22incher prices?I know sammy and others will follow

Any new ranges like LED launching soon or what?Because benq already have one but thats white plus no hdmi i guess
^a lot of demand I suppose. A 24 incher (being full HD) would hit hit a similar sweet spot in a few months to come. Anything beyond would be considerably expensive.
22" is the new standard in mainstream now..well atleast here in india.

one of the reason i see is that even worst shops in town are now having HD48xx and GTS250/GTX260 cards on display and stock.. it is a different story that they sell them with VIP gold 600 and CM Extreme Power 600W

but now more people seem to inquire about and buy discreet gpu in actual market, at least so is the case here at shops in vashi where i generally lurk around.

the previous resolution limit was 1440x on 19" display and i mentioned these display to explain why FullHD is (although lowest and cheapest) has become affordable now.

i don't see 24 inchers getting very cheaper by normal 'larger display in town' suite.

rather all LCD will become cheaper once LED becomes some what of a standard..

because 24" is already the largest one would prefer as a regular desktop monitor..anything bigger does not feel comfortable as a desktop monitor.