Graphic Cards GPU Suggestion


I m in need of a GPU for my new rig.My budget is 15k .Suggest me a good GPU.And also is there gonna be any price drop for GTX 470 ?

My Config :
i7 950
gigabyte x58 ud3r
CM HAF 922
corsair tx750
you can get the GTX 470 for 15k already, check out lynx-india . But, I would say go for the HD 6870 instead,if you dont really cards about Phsyx. With time and mature drivers, performance will improve, as it is,it is as fast as the GTX 470.
thnk u guys for ur suggestions. shud i wait for the oced version of 6870 or shoud i go for the regular version.Also tell me which 6870 is better the MSI one or the SAPPHIRE One?

In that case, the HD6870 having a better cooler and A.S.S. would be the obvious choice. Links to the MSI and Sapphire cards you are looking forward to?
I suggest MSI dude

It has got good reputation

Sapphire is ok

But if you can pay more go for the MSI

You can also overclock it with MSI Afterburner
Go for Sapphire cards, their after sales service in India are one of the best. In addition historically Sapphire were the tier 1 manufacturers for ATI chips...
teja92 said:
GTX 470 or GTX460 Talon attack

Both are great

Else HD6870

I find it odd that people suggest GTX 470... it's a nowhere card with poor performance and horrible power and thermal parameters. With GTX460 in the market — that overclocks well — there is no point why GTX470 will exist at all. Except to make sure that Nvidia can sell all defective dies that don't make cut for GTX480.

To OP: Pick any from GTX 460 1GB or HD 6870. The ATI card consumes less power but Nvidia has advantage in game optimizations and overclocking.