Graphic.... intoxicated, Network.... gigafied !!


Graphic... intoxicated !!

Yay !!! Finally it arrived.... :clap:

The Package


Rather dull brown box, eh? I wonder what does it hold inside......

let's see....

The Card - Sapphire HD3870 Toxic


The long and short of it. It's longer than my previous card (6600GT, I know... too old). It's single slot... and it's blue (not ATi red). Construction of the card is top notch. The vapor-x cooler is single slot, yet it contributes very well to card's overall weight. The fixing of cooler is nice and sturdy. The cooler itself scream of quality and solid construction. All in all, the product physically shows what you paid for.

The Bundle


The usual suspects and more.... Driver CD, PowerDVD and DVD authoring softwares, Valve Black Box product key to download the whole game from steam (I hate you valve).

The connectors include, DVI-to-VGA, DVI-to-HDMI, 6pin PCIe-Molex adaptor, S-Video-to-Component, S-Video-to-Composite cables and CrossFire bridge.

The card came wrapped in bubble bag, sandwiched between those two thick foam sheets. I had heard that sapphire does some real good packaging, and now I can confirm that it's true.

The Cooler


Vapor-x cooler, the reason I bought this card. It's single slot cooler, better than stock dual slot cooler of HD3870, silent and effective.

Rear end...


You can see the end of fins used in Vapor-x cooler, facing memory heatsink. A single 6-pin PCI-e connector is sufficient to juice this card.

The other rear end...


Another angle of HD3870 Toxic card. Regular stuff on connection end, two dual-link DVI and S-Video out for connecting to TV screens.

Installed and Set


This card is quite huge, thought it doesn't seem so by pictures. Compared to my age old 6600GT it's pretty big. I can only now imagine, how monstrous HD3870X2 or 8800 ultra cards would be.

Installed and Set


Sapphire chose to go with blue pcb instead on signature red of ATi... but I'm not complaining. It's blue, matches my light color in cabby. What more can you ask from a card? :)


Here is the real kicker... the damage. Rs. 7800!!! :eek:hyeah::eek:hyeah:

Card specs


Some benchmark numbers, you ask? well, here goes...

3DMark 05 : 14582 marks


3DMark 06 :
11291 marks


These are at default settings, without any overclocking of CPU/GPU.

I don't have much games installed right now, but whatever I have these are the numbers.

Far Cry (
1680 x 1050, HDR enabled, 4xAA, 8xAF, Ultra Details, SM 3.0) : 36.04 FPS

Far Cry (
1680 x 1050, HDR enabled, 0xAA, 0xAF, Ultra Details, SM 3.0) : 80 FPS

Half-Life : Lost Coast (
1680 x 1050, HDR enabled, 6xMSAA, 16xAF, All settings high) : 116.3 FPS

Surprised? Me too. Considering that it kinda chocked in FC once the AA and AF was increased, it didn't show any ill-effect in HL with higher AA & AF.

Besides these, I played NFSMW for a while... with all settings high the game was smooth as butter at top speed crashing in police cars.

GoW, would crawl at intense fight scenes on 6600GT (nothing surprising), even with all settings at low. GoW runs like a charm with everything set to max with post-processing set to intense, without breaking a sweat.

It's no point writing about Quake 3. Even my proxy server's onboard GMA (845 chipset) can run it. :D. But it's fun game nevertheless. I had tweaked my config for maximum eyecandy, and I would get around 85-90 FPS @ 1680x1050 resolution on 6600GT. Now it's jumped to 125FPS without blinking twice.

Temperature numbers are amazing as well... the card idle around 40-41º, and haven't crossed 65º as yet on full load. I did bit of stress test (15 mins) using ATi Tool, and it maxed out at 65º. Interesting part was that, even at full load, the fan remained at 50% speed. So I guess little tweaking, and getting fan to spin bit faster can produce even better temp results. Nevertheless, the card is dead silent. I haven't experienced the loud whine of fan for short period, at system startup that many have mentioned on net.

All in all... so far I'm happy with the card. I still have to look in avivo side of it. But a quick run in some of the dvds I had, all looked good. Specially there are couple of nasty Indian dvds (of hollywood flicks) I have, which shows heavy interlacing in many scenes. I don't know about Purevideo on 8xxx series card, but Purevideo on my 6600GT would give me decent de-interlacing. Avivo, on the other hand... gives amazing results.

Network... gigafied !!

There is one more thing that came today.... :D

The DLink DIR-655 Gigabit + wifi router.

The Device


The packaging was neat. The router itself is covered with plastic to avoid any scratching on surface. It's very smooth and glossy, a definite smudge magnet.

The package comes with nice little stand to put router in vertical position. Nice. it's White, Shiny and Standing... bah!!

The Ports


4 x 10/100/1000 LAN, 1 x 10/100/1000 WAN, 1 x USB (utter useless, can't use for storage link or anything other than windows connect now crap), reset hole & power socket.


I got good deal on this as well... Rs. 4875 :eek:hyeah:!!

I still have to go around setting up new network, so the bechmark numbers will come later on this. :)

So I all in all, Today was a good day... a very good day indeed. :hap2:
System is screaming for atleast Ultima 90 m8 :p

The Toxic is not only blue PCB, but its also different custom layout PCB from sapphire which is actually slightly shorter than reference design ;)

Anyway enjoy your card. :D
Funky said:
System is screaming for atleast Ultima 90 m8

Ohh.. Please don't talk the obvious!! Buddy, that's like rubbing some salt on the wound. (I'm saving money for something more "cooler" ;))

Funky said:
The Toxic is not only blue PCB, but its also different custom layout PCB from sapphire which is actually slightly shorter than reference design

Yeh, I found that out... that's what I said, I can really imagine how big those high end card would actually be. Seeing in a pics is different. From the pics Toxic doesn't look that big, but it's actually pretty big (even when it's tad shorter than ref. 3870) Gotta admit though, Sapphire had put really good quality in building this card.

The only thing that I regret is, that I couldn't get the Atomic edition card. It's the same card, tad higher clocked... but the bundle was amazing. Specially I had my heart on the case. Too bad, it was a very-very-very limited edition.
nice post man and sweet least on gfx front as i don know much abt routers....njoy...can u post a screen shot from COD4 and CRYSIS at full settings
Namic said:
can u post a screen shot from COD4 and CRYSIS at full settings

I would if I could.... :)

I have neither of these games. Although I might try and download the demos, just for the kick of it. I won't expect good/playable framerates in Crysis at full settings though... and I hate to play laggy game no matter how good it looks. I had GoW installed on my drive for almost 3 months, and I played only two checkpoints, as it sucked on my 6600GT. Now that I can play it very smoothly, I finished almost half game. :D

Let's see... once my Black Box gets downloaded from Steam, I'll look into COD4 and Crysis.